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Listen again, fill in the gaps and consider each aspect concerning the city you live in.

1) It’s quite cheap to live here although in certain parts of town the accommodation is really very . Everyday things in the shop are very cheap, although clothes can cost a lot.

2) Oh, it’s incredible. I mean, there are so many cars and lorries. You see, the railways system is not very extensive so everything has to go by road. But at rush hours at the centre of town it’s so ….

3) It’s a very interesting place to visit, although I wouldn’t call the buildings beautiful. But the palace is quite and well worth spending a day on. And then there are some wonderful churches and mosques.

4) It rains all the time, it’s quite … for that. Even in the middle of summer you are never certain that the sun will shine all day, so it’s difficult to make plans for any outdoor activities.

4. Read the advertisement below for the Hope Valley and comment on the following:

- The location of the Hope Valley

- The activities to be done

- The advantages of traveling the green way

- Whether you would enjoy a place of this kind


The Peak District is the best-loved of Britain’s eleven national parks and the Hope Valley is especially popular with over 2 million visitors a year. It crosses an area known as the Dark Park dominated by crags and moors and intersected by sheltered, green valleys.

Why not travel through the Hope Valley and discover for yourself the spirit of the Peak District? Leave the car at home and travel the green way - by foot, by bike, by bus, by train and experience the quiet rural stations, the footpaths leading up into the hills and the freedom from congestion and traffic jams.

Take time to enjoy the dramatic limestone scenery. Explore some of Derbyshire’s prettiest villages, the quiet river valleys and rugged hillsides. Descend underground to visit one of Castleton’s show caves, come and watch the Derbyshire well dressing. Or simply relax and enjoy a pint in one of the Hope Valley’s excellent pubs and stop for Sunday lunch.

Contact the Hope Valley Tourism Association on 01433 621372 (Underleigh house,

Off Edale Road, Hope, Derbyshire S30 2RF) for further details.


5a. Write a similar advertisement for some place in your region or country.

5b. Bring two pictures or postcards showing some English or Russian (or any) scenery. Describe what there is in the pictures, what feelings you have about the views.

6. Give advice to some friends coming to visit your city. Describe the place worth seeing. Give your reasons. Use the following expressions:

To give advice:

We could … and then…

Let’s start with...

You should …/You’d better …

To give reasons:

I think you are right because …

…that’s why I feel that…

…and so I think that…

To ask for reasons:

Why do you think that…?

What makes you feel that…?

(See ‘List of Speech Acts’, p. 104)

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