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Work in groups of 3 or 4 and comment on the differences about the work customs in the USA and Russia.

4. Listen to the interview with Jessica from Canada and tick ( ٧ ) the statements from 2 she agrees with. Put (?) if she doesn’t talk about a statement. (Cover the tapescript)

5. Listen to the interview again and fill in the gaps.

Interviewer: What ………………………………………..?

Jessica: The official hours are 8 to 5 or 9 to 6. But people always work longer than this.

Interviewer: What ……………………………………..?

Jessica: Casual but smart.

Interviewer: How long …………………………………..?

Jessica: One hour.

Interviewer: Do ………………………………………..?

Jessica: Yes, very often.

Interviewer: How many days vacation …………………………..?

Jessica: 30 days.

Interviewer: When ………………………………………?

Jessica: After 60 for women and 65 for men or after 30-35 years of work.

Interviewer: When ………………………………….?

Jessica: Depends on the company. Some companies pay twice a month and others once.

Interviewer: Do ……………………………………..?

Jessica: Yes, depending on the company and the status of the worker they receive a car, house, school for the children, lunch vouchers, transport passes, house ensurance.

Interviewer: Do ……………………………………………?

Jessica: No, this has changed a lot in Canada. In the past the good worker was one who stayed 20 or 30 years with the company. Now a good worker changes job every two or three years.

Interviewer: Do people ever use personal connections to get a suitable job for them or a member of their family?

Jessica: Yes, this is very common and the best way to get a good job.

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