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Read the CV again and mark the sentences below true (T) or false (F).

1) John Smith is from Virginia, USA. ________

2) He is a university graduate. _______

3) He doesn’t have any relevant professional experience. ______

4) He is quite good at computer defense and testing. _______

5) He isn’t interested in research. _____

3. Write your own CV in English using qualifications you already have or one you will get in the future. Use the CV layout based on Text A and John Smith’s CV as models for your writing.

Permanent Address  
Telephone number  
e-mail address  
Date of birth  
Work experience  

4. What are the rules for writing CVs in Russian? Are there any differences? What do you usually have to do to apply for a job in Russia?

Text C. “Job Ads”

1. Read these two job advertisements and decide which one is best for John. Justify your choice. Which of the advertised jobs appeals to you and why?

JOB AD 1. Our firm is looking for an engineer to join our Property Loss Group in Edmonton. The position would involve investigating fires and other property related failures and reporting to insurance and legal clients.

Sintra Engineering is a forensic engineering firm in Alberta with offices in Edmonton and Calgary. We aren't your typical engineering firm and forensic engineering isn't your typical engineering practice. How does a typical work day of investigating fires, analyzing evidence, and trying to figure out exactly what happened sound to you? You:

- are a mature, well-organized, self-motivated professional;

- enjoy solving technical puzzles using a combination of observation, deductive reasoning, and engineering first principles;

- are capable of communicating your findings in clearly written reports;

- have a desire for new challenges and responsibility;

- have a minimum of 5 years related engineering experience;

- have excellent communication skills.

The job would entail:

- Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team investigating the technical aspects of insurance or legal related losses.

- Resolving the puzzles that surround these incidents.

- Managing your own projects from start to finish including technical and financial aspects.

If the idea of a career in forensic engineering intrigues you, please forward a CV and cover letter to careers@sintraeng.com quoting competition #1001-PLS-EC in the subject line.

JOB AD 2. UAV Test Engineer reports to UAS Test Engineering Manager. Responsibilities include writing test plans, detailed test procedures and test reports, developing test cases, attending requirement and design reviews, providing input to requirements to ensure testability, supporting integration activities, executing test procedures, documenting and tracking issues or problems, and reporting status. Testing will primarily be conducted at the System and Subsystem levels, however, unit level test support may be required. The Test Engineer will work closely with project teams to support activities throughout a project's lifecycle.

Required Skills:

- Effective written and oral communication skills.

- Familiarity with CMM Level 3 or ISO standard practices.

Required Experience:

- Bachelor's degree from an accredited school in a technical or engineering discipline.

- Minimum 2 years hardware, software, or combined hardware/software testing experience including creating test cases, procedures and plans.

- Familiarity with flight testing of unmanned systems, aircraft systems, real-time systems, computerized control stations, military operations and integration, and architecture modeling tools is a plus.

Send your CV and cover letter to …

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