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Stunts and make-up

Stuntmen and stuntwomen (1) ___________ invite / are invited when something is too difficult or too dangerous for the actor to do. Every stunt (2) __________ plans / is planned by the director before filming, and must be as safe as possible.

They (3) ___________ wear / are worn the same clothes and make-up as the star, and (4) ___________ film / are filmed so that their faces (5) ____________ don’t see / are not seen clearly.

They (6) _____________ are worn / wear special clothes that (7) _____________ don’t catch / are not caught fire if they are to be filmed in a burning building (although often there is more smoke than fire, and the fire (8) ______________ controls / is controlled.

Stuntmen often wear padding under their clothes so that they (9) ___________ do not hurt themselves / are not hurt themselves when they(10)____________ fall / are fallen from something like a horse or a moving car.

Guns are not real guns, and knives (11) _______________ usually make / are usually made of rubber so that they will bend when somebody is hit. Stuntmen who (12) ________________ fall / are fallen from buildings will fall onto something soft (which you won't see in the final film, of course!). The important thing is that it (13) ___________ looks / is looked real. Some stars (14) ____________ do / are done their own stunts, although film companies would prefer that they didn't. The director (15) ______________ doesn't want / isn’t wanted his star to get hurt - it's too expensive for the film'. Mel Gibson (16) _________ did / was done all his own stunts in “Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome” (1985).

The make-up artist can change a nice-looking actor into something very frightening... or a beautiful young actress into an old woman. It (17) ______________ took / was taken eight-and-a half hours each day to change the actress Francesca Annis into a 100-year-old woman in the 1982 film “Krull”.

Rubber masks (18) __________________ make / are made for the actor to wear when it is necessary to make very big changes to their face.

Wigs, beards, moustaches, false eyelashes - all these things (19) ____________ help / are helped to make a “character”. It is even possible to make a man look like a woman as it (20) ____________ did / was done with Dustin Hoffman in Sidney Pollack’s “Tootsie”.

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