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Exercise 16. Read the situations and complete the sentences with the words in brackets.

Use Present Continuous(I am doing), going to... or will (I'll).


1. You and some friends are planning a holiday in Scotland. You have decided to hire

a car but you haven't arranged this yet.

friend: How do you plan to travel round Scotland? By bus?

YOU: No, _______________________________ (we / hire)


2. Your friend has two young children. She has to go to work on Saturday morning. You

offer to look after the children.

FRIEND: I have to go to work on Saturday morning but I haven't got a baby-sitter.

YOU: That's no problem _____________________________ (I / look after)


3. You have already arranged to have dinner with Mary tomorrow evening.

FRIEND: Are you free tomorrow evening?

YOU: No, ___________________________________ (I / have dinner)


4. You have made an appointment with the dentist for Thursday afternoon.
FRIEND: Shall we meet on Thursday afternoon?

YOU: Sorry, I can't make it on Thursday______________________________ (I / go)


5. You are in a restaurant. You and your friend are looking at the menu. You ask your friend if she has decided what to have.

YOU: What ___________________________________? (you / have)

FRIEND: I don't know. I can't make up my mind.


6. Your friend is reading a screenplay. It's getting a bit dark and he is finding it difficult

to read. You decide to turn on the light.

friend: It's getting a bit dark, isn't it? It's difficult to read.

YOU: _______________________________ (I / turn on)

7. It's a nice day, so you have decided to go on a picnic with your friends. Just before you

go, you tell your sister.

YOU: _____________________ with my friends. (I / go)

YOUR SISTER: Great idea. I think __________________________ you. (I / join)

8. The phone rings and you answer. One of your brother’s friends wants to speak to him.

FRIEND: Hello. Can I speak to Henry, please?

YOU: Just a moment. ________________________ him. (I / get)


9. Your friend is worried because she has lost her passport and can’t go through the passport


YOU: Don't worry about your passport. I'm sure __________________ it. (you / find)

FRIEND: I hope so.


10. You and a friend come home very late. Your parents are asleep. Your friend is noisy.

YOU: Shh! Don't make so much noise ______________ everybody up. (you / wake)


11. Your friend offered you to take part in the shooting of a new action movie. First you

were interested, but then you decided not to do it.

FRIEND: Have you decided anything about the movie?

YOU: Yes, __________________________________ in it. (I / not / take part)


12. Ann has to go to the airport to meet her parents tomorrow morning.

ANN: Sam, my parents are coming tomorrow. I need somebody to take me to the airport.

SAM: That's no problem _________________ you. (I / take) What time is their flight?

ANN: 8.20 a.m.

SAM: OK, _________________________ at about 7 o'clock then. (we / leave)

Later that day, Fred offers to take Ann to the airport.

FRED: Ann, do you want me to take you to the airport?

ANN: No thanks, Fred. ________________________________ me. (Sam / take)

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