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Find in the text the sentences with passives. Change these sentences into passive.

1) A crew member informs a dispatcher about an emergency situation.

2) Wall displays provide a schematic overview of the network.



Test 20


I. Match the words.

1. advance a. усовершенствование
2. emergency b.объединение
3. improvement c. местонахождение
4. facility d. автоматизированное рабочее место
5. location e. связь
6. provide f. экран
7. screen g. крайняя необходимость
8. workstation h. обеспечивать
9. consolidation i. оборудование
10. communication   j. успех

II. Choose the correct word.

a) communicate b) includes c) allow d) handle e) houses f) recent

1. The Dufford centre ___ dispatchers, locomotive distribution and train performance managers in a single location.

2. Dispatchers at the Dufford Centre ___ 1 400 trains a day on 29 000 route-km.

3. Computers ___ dispatchers to cover greater territories by removing paperwork.

4. Dispatchers ___ with crews in their territories via radio

5. Information displayed to the dispatchers ___ train identities and locations, along with signal, turnout and track status.


III. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1. The Dufford Centre is equipped with electro-mechanical switches and push buttons to set turnouts or clear signals.

2. CSXT controls its entire network from one location.

3. In the early 20th century stations had to be built at 16 km intervals because CSXT had 650 dispatchers at 33 locations.

4. The Dufford dispatching center allowed CSXT to increase the number of dispatchers.

5. Dispatchers at the Dufford Centre perform a lot of paperwork.


Unit 21

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