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Read and remember the meanings of the words and phrases. dispatching – диспетчеризация, отправление (поездов)


recent – недавний

dispatching – диспетчеризация, отправление (поездов)

entire – весь

network – сеть

consolidate – объединять, consolidation – объединение

management – управление

benefit – выгода

experience – опыт

advance – успех

communication – связь

outdated – устаревший

update – модернизировать

decision – решение

facility – оборудование

handle trains – пропускать поезда

lineside signal – линейный путевой сигнал

result from – следовать, происходить в результате

reduction – снижение

operating – эксплуатационный

expenses – расходы

elimination – ликвидация

allow – позволять

remove – устранять

train sheet – график движения поездов

excellent – превосходный

distribution – распределение

colour-coded wall display – стенной дисплей с цветной маркировкой

overview – обзор

identity – идентичность

location – место, положение, местонахождение

turnout – стрелочный перевод

workstation – автоматизированное рабочее место

emergency – крайняя необходимость

close-up – крупный план

quality – качество

immediately – немедленно



Translate these attributive groups into Russian.

Our railroad’s operations management functions (paragraph 1), railroad safety (2), traffic control system (4), direct train control (5), train operations (7), locomotive distribution and train performance managers (7), train identities and locations (8), signal, turnout and track status (8), train or maintenance of way crew member (9).



2. What part of speech are the words in bold in the text?

Match the terms with the definitions.

1) something new that is introduced. a) screen
2) a device that gives information in a visual form. b) workstation
3) an unexpected situation or sudden occurrence of a serious and urgent nature that demands immediate action. c) network
4) a place in an office where a person works, especially with a computer. d) facility
5) something resembling a net in consisting of a number of lines or routes that cross, branch out, or interconnect. e) innovation
6) a phosphorescent surface upon which the image is formed. f) emergency
7) a piece of equipment, a building, a service, etc., that is provided to facilitate an action or process. g) display



Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1) dispatchers, to cover, computers, territories, paperwork, allow, greater, by removing. 2) via, with, radio, crews, dispatchers, communicate.

3) network, of, the, a, overview, provide, colour-coded, displays, large, wall, schematic. 4) train sheets, by hand, the, the, crew, names, of, on, recorded, were.



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