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COLREGs Violation (Rule 9)

Own vessel was arriving at a major Asian port by night and was 3 miles away from the pilot station. We were making 9 knots on course 030 degrees. Suddenly, we observed a large outbound tanker crossing ahead at a small angle from our port to starboard, showing a fine green light. We presumed that she had just disembarked the pilot, though no information was given by the pilot station or VTS. Soon, the tanker called us on VHF and requested the routine port-to-port or 'red-to-red' passage. Due to the alignment of the narrow fairway, it was assumed that the outbound vessel would soon arrive at the course alteration waypoint, alter to starboard a nd steer the reciprocal of our course, and shape to pass on our port side.

When the tanker was 2.5 miles away, and despite limited sea room to starboard, we unilaterally made a broad alteration of course to 060 degrees (30 degrees to starboard) expecting the tanker to do likewise. But the tanker continued on her original heading and a close-quart ers situation was quickly developing. With the distance having closed to about 1.5 miles, we sounded 5 short blasts, and also tried to alert the tanker by VHF and Aldis Lamp. Eventually, acting under Rule 17 (Action by stand-on vessel), we altered more to starboard, coming to a heading of 200 degrees, leaving the fairway but exercising caution not to enter the charted shoal water. The tanker finally came to the correct heading and we safely passed at 1 cable distance on our port side.

Answer the questions.

1.Where was own vessel proceeding?

2.What vessel did she suddenly observe?

3.What was the tanker doing?

4.Was own vessel in doubt as to intentions and actions of the tanker?

5.Are vessels allowed to cross narrow channels of fairways?

6.Was there a risk of collision between the tanker and the own vessel?

7.What did the outbound vessel request about?

8.Did the own vessel agree to do so?

9.What actions were unilaterally made by the own vessel?

10.Did the tanker do likewise?

11.What did the own vessel do when the distance between vessels was about 1.5 miles?

12.Why did the own vessel have to leave fairway?

13.At what distance did the vessels safely pass?

14. What's the rule 9 about?

15.What violations were made and by what vessel under Rule 9?

Explain the phrases in bold using English equivalents.

1....to make 9 knots on course 030 degrees.

2...outbound tanker crossing ahead at a small angle from our port to starboard.

3...to arrive at the course alternation waypoint, alter to starboard and steer the reciprocal of our course.

4...to continue on her original heading and to develop a close-quarters situation in.

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