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Decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the wrong ones.

1.Our ship was at anchor in a crowded anchorage in a small port.________

2. The positions of other anchored vessels in the vicinity were closely monitored due to a proper anchor watch.________

3.An inbound vessel “A” about ten cables away with pilot embarked was noticed to be heading for the anchorage at high speed.__________

4. We made attempts to contact vessel “A” on the VHF, but she did not respond.________

5.Port control informed us that “H” was just three cables away and her engine became operational._____

Complete a near accident report (see annex)

1. Description of the situation;

2. Possible cause of situation and possible consequences;

3. Which preventive measures have been taken;

4. Master's decision (plan for further handling of above incident)

4 7

Collision Near Pilot Station

Arriving at a very busy tanker port, and with only three miles to go to the charted pilot station, a laden deep-draught VLCC, displaying the appropriate signals for a vessel constrained by her draught (CBD), was crossing a west-bound TSS lane from south to north, making about three knots over the ground.

The passage plan envisaged a 90° alteration to starboard after the crossing and a track parallel to the TSS lane's northern edge leading to the pilot station. However, due to numerous vessels anchored within the traffic lane and obstructing her path along the crossing heading, she altered to an almost easterly heading within the west-bound traffic lane for safely (contrary to the general direction of traffic flow). She duly advised VTS of her predicament.

While on this course, a collision situation developed with a tug and tow, crossing from her port bow, on a southerly heading. The tug was not displaying signals to show that it was restricted in ability to manoeuvre (RAM), and despite being the give-way vessel, failed to take early avoiding action. At the very last minute, the tug suddenly altered hard to port and stopped her engin e, and the VLCC, by now within one mile from the pilot station, also altered to port as an avoiding action.

However, due to the nature of the vessel's limited slow-speed manoeuvering capabilities under the prevailing circumstances, and possibly an adverse effect of sub-surface current, she drifted on to the vessels anchored close west of the pilot station and collided with two of them, causing hull damage to all the vessels involved.

The company's investigation listed the probable causes:

1. Colregs violation by the tug and tow in avoiding impeding the safe passage of a vessel CBD, exhibiting the signals in Rule 28;

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