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Make sentences passive

Every right sentence – 1 point, a wrong one – minus 3 points

Choose the right tenses (present perfect, past or past perfect; simple or continuous).

1) Do you know that a train (crash) near Birmingham. According to eyewitnesses (свидетели), it (hit) a block which somebody (put) on the road 1 hour before it

2) Halfway to the office Paul (turn) round and (go) back home, because he (forget) to turn the gas off.

3) It wasn't surprising that she (start) getting a toothache. She (not go) to the dentist for two years by that day.

4) I’m really tired! I (do) housework all day today. I (clean) every room in the house.

5) I (lie) in bed thinking about getting up when the doorbell rang.

6) When I (get) home everybody (watch) TV.

7) We (not see) your mother for ages.

8) How long (you learn) English?

Make sentences passive

9) Somebody stole my bagin the shop. 10) They have arrested three men. 11) People don't use this road very often 12) They are building a new ring-road around the city.



1. Paul isn’t _____________ Jimmy.
a) the strongest b) stronger c) strong d) as strong as
2. The Nile [nail] is _____________river in the world.
a) the longest b) very long c) longer d) long
3. February is ______________ than January.
a) short b) the shortest c) shorter d) more short
4. Shakespeare was ______________ English play writer.
a) good b) better c) goodest d) the best
5. Australia is __________________ continent in the world.
a) the smallest b) small c) smaller d) more small
6. Health is __________________ thing in life.
a) important b) best important c) more important d) the most important
7. My car is _________________ your car.
a) faster b) fast c) as fast as d) fastest
8. I think Physics is ________________ than Maths.
a) boring c) as boring as d) less boring
9. His computer is _____________ than my laptop.
a) good b) bad c) the worst d) worse
10. English is _______________ lesson on our time table.
a) the most enjoyable b) enjoyable c) more enjoyable d) enjoy
11. Bugs Bunny is ______________ cartoon character.
a) the funniest b) more funny c) funny d) funnier
12. This is ____________ question of the test.
a) easier b) easy c) the easiest d) most easy


There are many ways to say SAME WITH ME!

Structure Example
1) Same with me! (+/-) I am hungry. – Same with me!
2) also (+/-)   I am also a good person. I can also do it.
3) too (+) I can swim too Me too (коротко)
4) either (-) [’aið ə ] - Br [’i: ð ə ] - Am He can’t do it either I’m not silly either But: Me neither (коротко) [ni͟ ː ð ə ] (в этом случае произношение только через [i])
5) so + AV + who (+) I love it – So do I I did it- So did I He has come – So have I
6) Neither +AV+ who (-) I didn’t do it – Neither did I I’ve never smoked- Neither have I


Fill in the gaps and check yourself:

Polite Noise ME TOO -You look strange, buddy! - Ha, so do you!
I need a holiday. So……../ I ………need one/ me ……….
I don't like milk. ………..do I/ I ……..don’t like milk / I don’t like milk ………/ Me …………
I should smoke less. …………I/ I ………should smoke less/ I should smoke less ……./ Me…………
I couldn't get up this morning …………….I/ I …….. couldn’t get up/ I couldn’t get up …….. / Me ………….
I spent the whole day doing it …………I/ I ………spent the whole day doing it/ Me ……..
I'd love a cup of tea ………….I/ Me ……………..
I've never been to Africa …………… I/ I have never been there ………….. / Me ……………..
I didn't know ………… I/ I didn’t know …………../ Me …………….



Grammar Homework

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How to get out of debt | We were reviewing our Future Story and Future Safe and here is the last rule for it.
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