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We were reviewing our Future Story and Future Safe and here is the last rule for it.

Hey buddy!!!

Future in the Past (Reported Speech) (Step Back)

Name Future in the Past (Reported Speech)(Step back)  
Rule When the first part of the sentence is in the past, the second one must be in the Past as well.
  • am/Is/are = was /were
  • Present Simple –Past Simple
  • Present Perfect – Past Perfect
  • Past Simple – Past Sim or Past Perf*
  • will- would
  • can - could
  • May - might
  • Shall - should
Special features No step back (не изменяется) Past Perfect Would Could Might Should
Markers This that These those Here there Now then Yesterday the day before Tomorrow the next day Today that day Last (month) the (month) before Next (year) the next/following (year)
1) I thought: " She is beautiful". 2) She said: " I want to sleep". 3) I decided: " I will grow carrots". 4) She told me: " I'm going to go home by taxi". 5) He said: " I've already finished". 6) They said: " We can't go".   1) I thought she was beautiful. 2) She said she wanted to sleep. 3) In winter I decided that I would grow carrots. 4) She told me she was going to go home by taxi. 5) She said that she had already finished. 6) She said that she couldn’t walk.




Future in the past (draw in your safes)

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