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Requirements for registration of the course work

The explanatory note of the course work must be written on one side of white A4 paper in one line spacing. When set, use the font Times New Roman, and align text to the width. The fields must be left on all four sides of the sheet. Left margin - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top - 20 mm and bottom - no more than 25 mm. The text of the note should be divided into sections and points (items).

Name of the section and subsection names begin with capital letters are lowercase. Sections should be numbered in Arabic numerals within the entire course work. After a chapter point is not in question. Items (items) should be numbered in Arabic numerals within each section. Section number shall consist of the section number and the item number, separated by a period. At the end of the item number as a point not raised. At the end point of the title is not set.

The distance between the header and the text is single-spaced. The distance between the section and subsection headings and sub-heading and text - one interval. After the text to next header should leave two intervals.

Sections of the course work must have a serial number within the entire document in Arabic numerals without a point and recorded with indentation. Subsections should be numbered within each section. Number of sub-section consists of a section and subsection numbers separated by periods. At the end of a number of sub point is not assigned. The sections and subsections as may be composed of one or more items.

If the document has no sub, the numbering of items in it should be in each section and paragraph number shall consist of a number and the item, separated by periods. At the end of the item number is not put the point, for example:

1 Analytical Part


1.2 The paragraph of the first section of the


2 Project Part


2.2 The paragraph of the second section of the


If the section is composed of one subdivision, the subdivision is not numbered. If subsection consists of one item, then the item is not numbered. Page numbering should be sequentially: the first page is the title, the second - the individual task, etc. Page number in Arabic numerals put down in the center of the bottom of the page without a point. On the first page (title page) number is not set. Applications and references must be included in the continuous numbering.

Figures should be numbered consecutively within the note. Repeated references to the drawings should be given with the abbreviated word " see", for example (see Figure 6). Figures should be placed after the references in the text of the note so that they can be seen without turning the note. Each figure must be accompanied by an inscription on the center. Notice shall be the figure.

Example: Figure 12 - A view of the main menu. At the end of the title picture point is not assigned.

Digital material in the note should take the form of a table. Title and the word " table" with a capital letter. Example: Table 5 - Description of the fields. The inscription " Table" with numbers table and its title is placed over the left corner of the table. Headers of the table should begin with capital letters, subtitles - with lowercase if they constitute one sentence with a header, and capital letters, if they are independent. Table should be placed after the first mention of it in the text. When you transfer the table on the following page of the note head table should be repeated. Above the table, put the word " Continued" with the number. Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals within the note. Before the table and after skipping one line.

Formulas and equations should be distinguished from the text in a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation should be left for at least one free line. If the equation does not fit on one line, it should be moved after the equal sign (=) or after the plus sign (+), minus (-), multiplication (*), division (:) or other mathematical signs, and the sign at the beginning of the following line is repeated. When you transfer the formula on the sign, symbolizing the multiplication, use the symbol " x".

Explanation of the symbols and the numerical coefficients should be provided directly by the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula.

The formulas should be numbered serial numbering within the entire thesis in Arabic numerals in parentheses at the far right on the line.



A = a/b (1)


B = C*E (2)


In the bibliography includes all sources used. Sources should be arranged in order of reference in the text of the note. Information about the books should include: the name of the author, book title, place of publication, without reduction (reduction is allowed only two cities: Moscow (Moscow) and St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg)), publisher and year of publication. When referring to sources in the text should be given a serial number on the list of references in square brackets. Example: The data given in [3].

Applications are made to the notes as a continuation of its subsequent pages. Each application on a new page, in the center of the page is written the word " Appendix". If the note has two or more applications, they are numbered sequentially letters of the Russian alphabet. Example: " Appendix B". Figures, tables and formulas that are placed in the application, arabic numerals within each application, for example, " Figure B.2», " Table B.3».



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