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Structure of the course work


Explanatory Note contains all information on the course work in the text form, accompanied by the necessary explanations, pictures, texts, programs, printouts of test cases, types of form in the design and run times of the application. Explanatory note begins with a cover page indicating the name of the ministry, university, faculty, department, name of discipline, the theme of the course work, indicating the name of the head office, the name of the student with an indication of the date of execution. Example of a title page is given in Appendix A.

Explanatory Note of course work on the discipline " Mathematical economics in IS " includes the following sections:

- Title page;

- The task;

- Annotation;

- Content;

- Normative references;

- Definitions;

- Symbols and abbreviations;

- Introduction;

- The main part;

- Conclusion;

- A list of references;

- Appendixes (tables, diagrams, software code).

Explanatory note issued on A4 sheets.

Title page

The title page is executed in accordance with Appendix A.

Word wrap on the front page and headlines are not allowed. The point in the end of the title is not assigned.



The task for the course work is given to students in accordance with the schedule of the learning process not later than the first week of the start date. The terms of reference should include: discipline, on which work is performed; student’s name, group, stages or sections of development and their due dates, the deadline for submission of work for defense; name head, title and date of the assignment.

Necessary clearly articulate the name of the theme (with reference to the object) and the specific source data.

Form task for course work is given in Appendix B.



The Annotation summarizes basic information of the course work. The Annotation should contain information about the amount of course work, the number of tables, figures and appendices.



The contents include the numbers and names of sections, subsections, paragraphs, applications with their designations and titles, and if necessary, graphic material, with the number of the page on which they are placed.

The word " content" in the middle of the page is written with a capital letter.


Normative references

The normative reference, contains a list of regulatory documents to which reference is made in the text. List of main documents begins with the words: " In this course work references to the following documents.»...

The list shall include the designation of a normative document and its name in ascending order of the registration numbers of notation in the following sequence:

- Technical regulations;

- The state standard (ST RK);

- Interstate standards (GOST);

- International standards (MS);

- Technical specifications (TS).



Element contains the definitions necessary to clarify or establish the terms used in the course work.


Symbols and abbreviations

This element contains a list of symbols and abbreviations used in the work and the need to understand it. And abbreviations must comply with the symbols and abbreviations used in the accepted regulations. Writing symbols and abbreviations are produced in order to bring them into the text of the paper with the necessary decoding and explanations.



The introduction should contain the reasons for the relevance of the theme of the course work, scientific novelty and practical significance, evaluation current state solve scientific problems, and should be formulated aims, objectives and object of research.

Introduction shall not contain requirements. It is not numbered and placed on a separate sheet.


The main part

In the main part of the course work provides data that reflect the nature, content, methods and main results of the work performed.

The main text of the course work must disclose the rationale for the study of the methods adopted by the methods of developing data processing algorithms themselves flowchart description of the algorithms, the results of their testing and output data.

The main part shall contain:

- Summary of the problem, its role and importance in terms of legislation, regulations, educational and scientific literature;

- Economic assessment of the current state of the problem, a brief description of the organization or enterprise in which the materials do the work, study and presentation of his position;

- Analysis of the problem being studied, the trend of development, the shortcomings and the reasons why they have caused, possible ways to address them;

- The study of problems in the functioning of the object of research, calculations, showing the effectiveness of its development, the definition of the prospects of the object or phenomenon;

- specific suggestions to improve the research object, which must be substantiated and confirmed by the calculations that provides the practical application In the main part should describe how to work with this package, as in, what features it provides, which menus and toolbars have it exactly how you can do this or that action.


The structure of the main part of the course work includes:

1. Analytical part;

2. Project part.

Analytical part contains an analysis of the current system of data processing:

- Brief description of the technical and economic aspects of the automation object (type of business, its organizational structure, functions, or ICC information officer in charge for data processing, function specialists on information processing, complex automation tasks and their relationship. Consideration of hierarchical relationships of objects must be done from the top down from the general to the specific. Describing company should focus on those of its structural components, which are designed to use the results of this thesis, giving a detailed description of the subject area);

- Review of existing resources information system. It provides a description of the main providers, to enterprise information systems (information, software, technical and technological). In the analysis of these limitations are inherent in the existing state of affairs at the company. It is advisable to focus on those whose removal is planned in the thesis work.

Thus, the analytical part of the following options:

1.1 Statement of the problem

1.2 Description of input and output information

1.3 The algorithm and the block diagram of the solution of the problem


In the " Statement of the problem" given the economic and organizational entity, strategies, solutions, describes the object of the study. Statement of the problem is performed in textual form.

In the " Input and output information" lists: all necessary input information indicating the structure and value of all the fields, the frequency of its income sources and its volume. Output from lists final and intermediate results are described by the output form and the significance of the list and its member details and timing of its formation.

In «An algorithm for solving the problem», The choice of the mathematical model, we describe a method to implement it. The identifiers of variables and functions. Solution algorithm is a sequence of operations on the original data. Each step is described in words or in a formula. Can be represented in the form of an algorithm psevdoprogrammy or flow charts, which is drawn in accordance with GOST.

In the design of the project describes the development of the information system: the economic substance of the complex planned tasks. It should reflect the general information on the tasks, indicating that this class is, what is its economic substance and why this class of problems should be paid attention to him and devote thesis. Further it is necessary to conduct the decomposition of the complex tasks and a brief description of each task. Based on the decomposition of tasks considered to make an informed choice of tasks to be implemented in this thesis. It should also specify the reasons for the choice made, a description of the planned security information system.

Thus, the design part of the following options:

2.1 Test Case

2.2 user manual

2.3 Analysis of the results

The test case is made to verify the correctness of the algorithm and the program. Undertake specific values ​ ​ of the original data and performed all the steps of the algorithm.

In the Manual is the structure of the program (PPP - the application package), the relationship routines, blocks and modules in the form of diagrams, functions and procedures. Are the steps that must be performed during the operation of the program. Displays all the menu items and possible responses to them in the form of drawings.

The analysis of the results. The results are analyzed solutions are compared with the test cases and the assignment.




This section is a brief summary of the work performed.


List of references

The list of references includes all sources, arranged in order of reference in the text of the explanatory note of the course work (or alphabetical). Bibliographic description is given in accordance with GOST 7.1.


In the Appendix are:

1. Text of the program

2. The calculation results in a mashinogramm, graphs and tables

3. Input information in the form of arrays and primary documents.

Each application should start on a new page showing the top of the page in the middle of the word " application" of its designation. The application must have a title, which is symmetric with respect to the text is written with a capital letter separately.

Applications are designated by capital letters of the Russian alphabet, beginning with A, with the exception of the letters E, B, J, O, H, L, N. After the word " application" should be a letter indicating its consistency.

Applications are in the order of appearance of links in the text.

Applications have in common with the rest of the document are sequentially numbered pages.

The results of the protection of the course work entered in the sheet.


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