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Systems Analysts (Kuala Lumpur)

As part of a global IT team your responsibilities will include:

o Developing and maintaining Global Websites and web-based applications for in-house use.

o Requirements analysis, Software Design, coding, testing and documentation.

o Researching and Designing relational databases for various IT systems.

o Implementation and continuous maintenance of the systems. Working with the people who use the systems.

o Researching and implementing OSS based technology.

o Travelling and communicating with team members as well as service providers based in other countries.

o Managing multiple projects and work within deadlines.

o Providing IT Support to customers who access our websites.


o Passionate about web application development, System Administration and Support, and is a perfectionist.

o Excellent in SQL and variety of database systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL 2000 and higher. Knowledge of other database systems is an added advantage.

o Excellent understanding of Computer Security and Web Technologies.

o Skilled in web programming languages. PHP, ASP Classic, HTML, CSS, XML.

o Knowledge of scripting languages using Bash, Python and Perl is an advantage.

o Basic system administration of LAMP and Windows Servers.

o A natural with Linux for everyday use.

o Knowledge and experience in OSS tools and OSS CMS, DMS such as Joomla, Drupal, Typo3, Alfresco will give applicants an edge.

o Practical experience in the implementation of E-commerce and Payment gateway is an added advantage.

o Ability to work in a team environment as well as possessing individual responsibility.

About Capital Dynamics

Capital Dynamics, through its flagship product brand, i Capital, has achieved major successes over the last 26 years. Despite these, we are hungry for more, as we build a global fund management and investment advisory group. Clients’ interests are put at the forefront.


Capital Dynamics believes that success is fun and integrity and performance are greatly prized. Your rewards will be mainly defined by your contributions and your commitment. If you treasure a “my word is my bond” culture, you will fit in well.


Please visit our corporate website, www.capitaldynamics.biz or our funds website, www.funds.icapital.biz or our investment advisory website, www.icapital.biz or our Facebook, www.facebook.com/capitaldynamics.icapital


Please send your job application to: careers@icapital.biz



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