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About Capital Dynamics. Capital Dynamics, through its flagship product brand, i Capital, has achieved major successes over the last 26 years

Capital Dynamics, through its flagship product brand, i Capital, has achieved major successes over the last 26 years. Despite these, we are hungry for more, as we build a global fund management and investment advisory group. Clients’ interests are put at the forefront.


Capital Dynamics believes that success is fun and integrity and performance are greatly prized. Your rewards will be mainly defined by your contributions and your commitment. If you treasure a “my word is my bond” culture, you will fit in well.


Please visit our corporate website, www.capitaldynamics.biz or our funds website, www.funds.icapital.biz or our investment advisory website, www.icapital.biz or our Facebook, www.facebook.com/capitaldynamics.icapital


Please send your job application to: careers@icapital.biz

Web Developer (Kuala Lumpur)


o Participate in the complete software development life cycle.

o Develop accurate and efficient web applications according to specifications.

o Responsible for performing coding, testing and develop web applications for different browsers.

o Assist in design of systems and analysis of program specifications.

o Provide development & technical support.


o Knowledge of LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), Javascript (jQuery), HTML and CSS is essential.

o Strong foundation and interest in developing Web 2.0 web sites.

o Good problem solving, communication, interpersonal and organization skills.

o Analytical and conceptual thinking.

o Mature, pleasant personality, diligent, conscientious and an early starter.

o Knowledge of PHP-based CMS like WordPress or Drupal is an added advantage.

About Capital Dynamics

Capital Dynamics, through its flagship product brand, i Capital, has achieved major successes over the last 26 years. Despite these, we are hungry for more, as we build a global fund management and investment advisory group. Clients’ interests are put at the forefront.


Capital Dynamics believes that success is fun and integrity and performance are greatly prized. Your rewards will be mainly defined by your contributions and your commitment. If you treasure a “my word is my bond” culture, you will fit in well.


Please visit our corporate website, www.capitaldynamics.biz or our funds website, www.funds.icapital.biz or our investment advisory website, www.icapital.biz or our Facebook, www.facebook.com/capitaldynamics.icapital


Please send your job application to: careers@icapital.biz



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