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Read the following statements and decide if they are true (T) or false (F).

1. Moving images in TV are usually accompanied by sound.

2. In 1990s digital signal was used to record and transmit broadcasting TV program.

3. The first communication satellite was launched into orbit in 1962.

4. The transponder retransmits the signals to Earth at the same frequency band.

5. The path of the signal from the satellite to the receiving Earth station is called downlink.

6. A satellite dish is used to focus on a specific broadcast source.

7. The dish on the receiving end can both transmit and receive information.


4.14. Answer the questions to the text.


1. What does the word “television” mean?

2. When was communication satellite Intelsat launched into orbit?

3. What is uplink facility?

4. What is the downlink?

5. What is C-band transmission affected by?

6. What is a satellite dish designed for?

7. What does it consist of?

8. How does the transmitting dish operate?

9. Are there any obstacles between the satellite and the dish?

10. What is the LNBC?

11. Does the satellite receiver amplify the signal?




Attribute group

Read and translate the following groups of words.


Energy spectrum, light pulse, copper wire, potential difference, flicker noise, frequency band, charge distribution, power gain, discrete-circuit design, feedback laser, ice thickness measurement, low-power TV transmitter, radar ice probe, large-scale integrated circuit, direct electrode voltage, displaced phase centre antenna, transmission distortion measuring set.


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