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Companies to form Ukragromashinvest

KYIV. The cabinet has approved the charter of the Ukragromashinvest leasing company. The firm will lease and sell farming machinery to domestic agricultural producers. The decision was confirmed by the Deputy Industrial Policies Minister, March 12. The new company's statutory fund will include bank credits and state-owned stakes in 19 farm machinery companies. Its task is to create and introduce a mechanism to carry out leasing operations and provide equipment to producers of agricultural goods. The state will retain all the stakes for a five year term. Leasing revenues will be used to develop production at domestic farm engineering companies. Its statutory fund is valued at between Hr 20-30 mn. Kravchuk stressed that regional subsidiaries of Ukragromashinvest will be involved in the manufacture, sale and technical servicing of machinery and equipment supplied through leasing.


ODESA. The first Deputy President of Odesa Gas AT, Ihor Uchytel' spoke March 12 about gas provision to the region. He noted that «a critical situation has emerged concerning gas supplies in the oblast, while the northern part of Odesa is also threatened and may suffer a loss in gas supplies.» This critical situation has been caused by the accumulation of significant debts for consumed gas. The total gas debt for Odesa oblast stands at Hr 128.6 mn, including of Hr 123mn owed by Odesa. The main debtors are residential consumers and the local budget.


KYIV. The Central Electoral Committee approved a decision to include Ukrainian prisoners to the number of voters eligible to vote at the parliamentary elections March 29. A total of 184 institutions in Ukraine hold more than 200, 000 citizens. The CEC's resolution ruled to create polling stations in prisons by March 20 and establish relevant constituencies by March 23. Prisoners were not allowed to vote prior to this.


KYIV. Since the beginning of the election campaign, 16 criminal cases have been filed pertaining to crimes committed against candidates running as deputies to the VR. Candidates committed 2 crimes themselves, and in 2 other cases they were involved in car accidents. Five of the cases were registered in Kyiv and 4 took place in Vinnytsya. One candidate to the VR in Vinnytsya was accused of financial fraud, while another to the Kharkiv city council murdered his mother.

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