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Jake glared at the young blond, tapping her fingers impatiently on her slacks. Rick finally nudged her.

" Relax, will you? "

" It's five after eight."

" So he's not a clock watcher."

Jake stood and walked to the desk, towering over the young girl. " When do you expect him? "

" Any minute."

" Can you call his cell phone? "

" Well, I can, but really, I'm sure... oh, there he is. Thank God, " she murmured.

Jake turned, her eyes narrowing as a middle-aged man maneuvered his ample weight through the door. He was breathing heavily as he walked to the desk and held out his hand.

" Messages? "

" Well, no, but these police officers have been waiting to see you, Mr. Taggert."

He looked at both Jake and Rick, nodding. " I got a few minutes. What you need? "

" I'm Detective McCoy, this is Detective Chase. We need some info on one of your clients."

" Sure, sure. Come on inside."

Jake and Rick exchanged glances, then followed the huge man into an office.

" Susie? Coffee? " the man bellowed.

" Yes, sir."

" You two want any? "

" No thanks. We want to know about Frankie Nichols, " Jake said. " Employment and residence."

" Nichols? Why? "

" We just want to question him, " Rick said.

" Whatever it is, he didn't do it. I've been at this job a lot of years, and Frankie ranks right up there with the best. He's never missed an appointment."

Jake leaned on his desk and met his eyes. " His wife was found raped and murdered. As I'm sure you know, he was convicted of raping and assaulting his wife." She stood up. " Now, employment? "

" No problem. But I'm telling you, he's not your guy."

Jake watched as his pudgy fingers moved over the keyboard, waiting until Frankie Nichols's file appeared on the screen. " Can you print that? "

" Sure."

" Where does he work? " Rick asked.

" He is a janitor for Rocky Mountain Solutions."

" Janitor? "

" Custodian. They clean office buildings in the downtown area at night."

Jake and Rick exchanged glances.

" What? "

" Nothing." Jake reached across the desk and grabbed the papers off the printer, scanning them quickly. " This home address good? "

" Yeah."

Jake again glanced at Rick. " Thanks, Mr. Taggert. Appreciate it."

" Oh my God! No wonder you freaked. And you spent the night at Jake's? "

" Yes, Catherine. And even though she's denied it, I know you told her that I was at Sullivan's."

" It's hard to keep things from her."

" Well, I suppose I'm thankful that you did. But I don't know exactly what this all means. I only know that I don't want to stay at my house alone."


Catherine followed Nicole into her office and hung Nicole's gym bag behind the door for her.

" So what happens now? "

Nicole stood at the window and looked out over downtown Denver. " I don't really know. Jake said she'd be in touch today and let me know what's going on." She turned and faced Catherine. " I know one thing. I'm not up for a group session today."

Catherine looked at her watch. " Thirty minutes."

" I know. I'll muddle through." She pulled out her chair and sat down, flipping on her computer at the same time. " You might want to call Dorothy. See if she'd be up to covering for me this week if it's necessary. I'd rather do that than have to cancel sessions."

" Cancel? Is it that serious? "

Nicole shrugged. " I only know that last night, it all seemed very real. So if Jake insists I stay away, I guess I'll stay away. We'll see."

" It's not like you to run, Nicole. Like you said, we get threats all the time."

" The man running behind my car last night was not just a threat."


Jake and Rick stood on either side of the door. Jake had her badge out and Rick's hand was touching his weapon. She nodded, and he banged on the door.

" Frankie Nichols? Open up. Police." He waited a few seconds before knocking again. " Open up."

They heard shuffling inside, then the sound of the dead bolt being unlocked. The door opened and a sleepy Frankie Nichols looked at them as he rubbed his eyes.

" What the hell you want? "

" Bad time? " Jake asked, as she pushed her way into the room.

" I got off work at six, so yeah, bad time. What do you want? "

" We've got some questions. In fact, we've got lots of questions. Let's take a ride."

" No way. I'm clean. You call Michael Taggert. I ain't missed a meeting, I've done everything I'm supposed to do. I ain't going."

" This isn't exactly about a parole violation, " Rick said. " Not exactly."

" Your ex-wife was found murdered, her body dumped."

His eyes widened. " Jena? And you think I did it? "

Jake raised an eyebrow. " Now what do you think we think? "

Rick took his arm. " Come on. Let's go."

" No. I'm not going. I didn't do it."

" Come with us, or I'll arrest your ass right here, " Jake threatened. " We'll see how that affects your parole."

" Goddamn bitch."

" Thought you'd see it our way."


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