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AIP – Aeronautical Information Publication

A publication issued by AIS or State authority, which contains aeronautical information essential to air navigation which is of long term or lasting character.


Communications Failure – Departing Aircraft

A departing controlled IFR flight operating in instrument meteorological conditions, having acknowledged an initial or intermediate clearance to climb to a level other than the one specified in the current flight plan for the еn route phase on the flight, and experiencing two-way radio communication failure should, if no time limit or geographical limit was included in the climb clearance, maintain for a period of three minutes the level to which it was cleared and then continue on its flight in accordance with the current flight plan.

Note 1. The effect of this procedure is to introduce a uniform clearance limit for application in cases where the use of tactical control methods by air traffic, control makes it impractical to include a time limit or a geographical limit in each climb clearance.

Note 2. The level specified in the current flight plan means the level contained in the en route air traffic control clearance acknowledged by the pilot.

A departing controlled IFR flight being vectored by Radar away from the route specified in its current flight plan and experiencing two-way radio communication failure should proceed in the most direct manner to the route specified in the current flight plan.

AIP Supplement

Special pages containing temporary changes to the information contained in the AIP.

NOTAM – Notice to Airmen

Series of notices, typically distributed by AFTN, containing information necessary for flight operations, concerning aeronautical facilities, services, procedures or hazards. This information is usually issued at short notice or is of short duration, and is frequently of a temporary nature. Some information may be issued first by NOTAM or AIP Supplement and afterwards incorporated into the AIP.


AIC Aeronautical Information Circular.

A notice containing information relating to flight safety, air navigation, technical, administrative or legislative matters. This information is not considered sufficiently urgent to qualify for NOTAM origination or AIP inclusion at that stage.


This is a special series NOTAM, which notifies in a special format information concerning hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush or associated standing water.

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