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Placing a Fountain in One's Garden

A garden fountain adds a very relaxing feel to any space in which they are installed. A garden is always a very personal environment. While some individuals may prefer outdoor fountains that are very large and which take advantage of the available space, others will prefer more subtle designs that can be integrated into the flora itself.

Large garden water fountains are excellent choices for the central features in gardens. Small outdoor water fountain does not have to be the most striking feature in a garden. Adding a small fountain offers a unique touch that can bring out other elements of the surroundings. A small water feature can be integrated into other garden features to create a very unique and relaxing feel.



Woman Kneeling is a whimsical accent to any pond or pool setting. This 'pond spitter' is made of real brass, and will last so long it'll become an heirloom. Whether it's used as statuary or as a fountain, this accent will bring a playful touch to your outdoor space. Brass will not rust or decay over time. They will become more beautiful with age, as they are exposed to the elements- even salt water.



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