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Akademgorodok — a new town of science and culture

respond- отвечать, отзываться

spread- распространение, размах

daring- смелый, отважный

assign- назначать, определять, поручать

extend- расширять

canvases- полотна


“Complex” is the best word to describe the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1956 academicians M. Lavrentyev, S. Sobolev, A. Trofimuk and other leading scientists readily responded to set up in Siberia foreposts of modern science. Soon construction was begun some 25 kilometers from Novosi­birsk, in the pinewood and birch coppices spreading along the shore of the man-made Ob sea. This was a daring experiment. Never before had people of science moved so quickly to developing regions. Siberia assigns to the scientists so many tasks that only a complex of researches in many fields can cope with them. Between 1958 and 1968 the Siberian branch developed many large subdivisions with research centers of their own. They extended research centers in Irkutsk, Kras­noyarsk, Ulan-Ude, Yakutsk and Vladivostok, Sakhalin, Chukotka and Kamchatka. The Academic Centre in Novosibirsk studies a wider range of problems. Twenty institutes have been concen­trated here, including a computer center, specialized design of­fices, a university, a botanic garden, and a large technical library.

The closeness of the town to Novosibirsk, a large cultural centre, is an additional blessing. Actors of the best Siberian theatres often visit the town and scientists see the plays, operas, ballets and other performances, and stars on tour also rarely miss the town.

There are cinemas, clubs, shops and cafes like in every other town. The difference is that you can walk in age-old forest just a few steps away from your home. Scientific conferences are held in the halls of the Scientists’ House, heated debates often take place in its cozy rooms. Exhibitions of scientific literature, devices and equipment both Russian and foreign are often organized here. The house has a collection of paintings numbering over 3, 000 canvases.

The last link in the training of researchers is Novosibirsk State University. This is where the leading scientists of the Siberian Branch train new generations of researchers.

Answer the questions:

Who was the founder of Akademgorodok?

Where is Akademgorodok situated?

How did Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences develop between 1958 and 1968?

How does the closeness of Akademgorodok to Novosibirsk influence the life of the town?


Combine the following words into sentences:


Science, to, people, of, so, developing, moved, regions, quickly.

Developed, Siberian, subdivisions, the, many, branch, large.

Technical, the, Novosibirsk, library, a, Academic, has, Centre, large, in.

Theatres, often, the, actors, the, Siberian, of, visit, town, best.

House, the, Scientific, are, in, conferences, Scientists’, held.

Equipment, in, foreign, organized, of, often, exhibitions, Akademgorodok, are.

State, researchers, the, scientists, Novosibirsk, in, leading, University, train.



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