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Hierarchy of needs Maslow

Full realization of creative potential
Selfish needs External: Status. Prestige. Respect. Internal: Self-esteem. Confidence. Freedom.
Social needs The situation in the society. Friendship. Love.
Requirements of safety Guaranteed satisfaction of physiological needs
Physiological needs Food. Housing. Relax. Sex.  


Hierarchy of professional motivation by Maslow


Needs of assessment (Title, position, promotion)  
Requirements of belonging (Formal and informal groups)  
Requirements of safety (Pension funds, labor unions, Support Committees)  
Basic needs (Salary)  


Hierarchy has neither mechanical nor chronological nature. Some people may seek to express themselves, without waiting until the receive recognition or status.

Some - the hierarchy can be chaotic or completely inverted.

Unsatisfied needs are a kind of stimulus in the subordinate. Pleased request loses value of incentive.

Leaders need to remember that the needs may conflict with the interests of business. However, it can decide if the conditions as closely as possible so as to meet their own needs coincided with the needs of the organizational structure.

2.6 Theory motivations Makkelanda-Atkinson (David Makkeland, John Aktkinson, Harvard University).

University of Michigan: researchers systematized factors stimulating personality, developed a theory based on the idea that people are compeled by three factors desire: 1) to success, 2) to the recognition, 3) to power.

Yearning the success is a desire to differ, obtain admittance to life standarts. A man, who yearn the success, likes to deal with problems for which he is individually responsible,

poses a difficult problem and wants to hear response about his activity.

Yearning the authority is a desire to influence others, to compel them to do what they are not committed to. The man with the desire wants to control others and influence them, enjoying the realization of his power.

The desire to be recognized - attempts to establish friendly relations and connections with others. Such a person is more focused on personal relationships.

Value of the theory: the leader must know how to arouse a desire to subordinate, which would compel him to comply with the wishes in the process of productive labor. Approach to the desired authority, success and recognition make a man happy.

Theory of self-coordination (Prescott Lecky).

It hlays an important role in explaining of human behavior that is self-destructive.

Illogical human behavior is logical from her point of view and consistent with its (own) ideas of his own personality. Each of us feels reasonable, consistent, harmonious personality.

In understanding of this theory self-esteem plays great importance: our perception of ourselves change feedback with the outside world, which is twofold: on the one hand, getting a signal from the external world (people think about our actions and mistakes), some people change self-esteem; others (which are met more often), consider these signals as wrong. It is good that there are many people, because otherwise our perception of ourselves constantly would be changed, you would lose confidence in yourself, your abilities, would not know the opinions of others. To avoid this and to maintain balance, self-esteem must resist to external signals. So making mistakes, we are always ready to blame others or circumstances over. This theory is relevant for the head: noticing analogous behavior of subordinate, should come into his world, understand how he reacts to the feedback signals. If he understands it he will have a positive impact on his performance.

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