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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Grammar. 21. We normally a conference once a year.

21. We normally … a conference once a year.

a) have b) will have c) do have d) are having e) has

22. I’ll ring you back in a few minutes. I … to someone on the other line.

a) talk b) talked c) were talking d) am talking e) have talked

23. I … never … such a sad story.

a) do, hear b) did, hear c) will, hear d) has, heard e) have, heard

24. We... any large orders from them for several months.

a) haven’t had b) hasn’t had c) have had d) hadn’t have e) are having

25. The ground is very wet. It....

a) have been raining b) has been raining c) have rained d) are raining e) raining

26. When the phone rang, I... to a client.

a) am talking b) talked c) have talked d) will talk e) was talking

27. Did you manage to see the Director, or... he... by the time you got there?

a) have, went b) had, gone c) has, gone d) does, went e) did, goes

28. I … a novel which is very interesting.

a) read b) shall read c) going to read d) am reading e) has read

29. They... sent the goods when your telegram arrives.

a) will have b) are c) will be d) shall e) had

30. They phoned us to say that the flight … delayed.

a) are b) was c) is d) has been e) had been

31. This time tomorrow I … having a presentation.

a) will have b) was c) is d) will be e) won’t

32. If the weather... nice we’d go to the beach.

a) is b) will be c) were d) would be e) shall be

33. If I... you I... think very carefully before going out there.

a) was, could b) were, would c) was, would d) were, will e) were, shall

34. I … buy a camera if it didn’t cost too much.

a) would b) shall c) will d) will not e) wouldn’t

35. If the meeting... finish late, I will catch the train home.

a) isn’t b) don’t c) will not d) shall not e) doesn’t

36. This new drug … developed by Bayer last year.

a) is b) has been c) will be d) was e) is been

37. I … asked to do a lot of work at the moment.

a) will be b) were c) been d) shall be e) am being

38. Our company … in 2007.

a) is founded b) was founded c) will be founded d) were founded e) are founded

39. Your order... be delivered next Thursday.

a) can b) had to c) would d) could e) have

40. I’m sorry but we... give this information by phone.

a) wouldn’t b) need c) must d) can’t e) ought

41. The question was so difficult that I … answer.

a) needn’t b) had to c) couldn’t d) mustn’t e) able to

42. I’d love to go with you, but I … finish my work.

a) might b) shouldn’t c) could d) ought e) have to

43. She said, “I’ll book a hotel room tomorrow”.

a) She said I’d book a hotel room tomorrow. d) She said she’ll book a hotel room the day after.

b) She said she’d book a hotel room tomorrow. e) She said she’d book a hotel room the next day.

c) She said she’d book a hotel room.

44. “What is your opinion? ” he asked.

a) He asked what is my opinion. d) He answered what my opinion were.

b) He said what was my opinion. e) He asked what my opinion was.

c) He asked what my opinion is.

45. “I can’t give you a lower price, ” he said.

a) He said he can’t give me a lower price. d) He told me he couldn’t give me a lower price.

b) He told he couldn’t give a lower price. e) He said I can’t give you a lower price..

c) He asked he couldn’t give me a lower price.

46. She is … manager and her husband is in … Marketing.

a) an, the b) a, - c) the, the d) a, a e) -, a

47. Coca Cola is... most famous soft drink in the world.

a) an b) the c) — d) any e) a

48. He shouted … her. That was very rude of him.

a) on b) with c) at d) in e) without

49. I have thrown … the rubbish.

a) down b) away c) by d) out e) from

50. You must fill … the form.

a) off b) down c) for d) across e) in



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