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Глава 8. 147. Allen, Karen, and Jim Blascovich

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150. Coppinger, Raymond, Lorna Coppinger, and Ellen Skillings. 1998. Observations on assistance dog training and use. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 1 (2): 133—44.

151. Coppinger, R., and J. Zuccotti. 1999. Exercise and socialization in dogs. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 2: 281—96.

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165. Serpell, James, Raymond Coppinger, and Aubrey H. Fine. 2000. The welfare of assistance and therapy animals: An ethical comment. In Handbook on Animal Assisted Therapy, edited by A.H. Fine. San Diego: Academic Press.

166. Struckus, Joseph Edward. 1989. The use of pet-facilitated therapy in the treatment of depression in the elderly: A behavioral conceptualization of treatment effect. Doctorate, Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


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