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Looking at the each three pictures of the national parks try to describe each series of them in 5 sentences for intending tourists


Brecon Beacons

Pembrokeshire Coast


Much of the coastline of South and West Wales is designated as Heritage Coast. The coastline of the Glamorgan Heritage Coast, the Gower peninsula, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, and Ceredigion is particularly wild and impressive. Gower, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Cardigan Bay all have clean blue water, white sand beaches and impressive marine life.

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty: Anglesey, the Clwydian Range, the Gower Peninsula, the Wye Valley.

The Seven Wonders of Wales:

6. Here is a poem about Welsh 7 Wonders. Read and underline all of them. Pistyll Rhaeadr and Wrexham steeple, Snowdon's mountain without its people, Overton yew trees, St Winefride wells, Llangollen bridge and Gresford bells.  
Snowdon (the highest mountain),

• the Gresford bells (the medieval church of All Saints at Gresford),

• the Llangollen bridge,

• St Winefride's Well (a pilgrimage site),

• the Wrexham (Wrecsam) steeple (16th century tower of St. Giles Church in Wrexham),

• the Overton yew trees (in the churchyard of St Mary's at Overton-on-Dee)

• Pistyll Rhaeadr (Wales' tallest waterfall, at 240 ft or 75 m).

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