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Study the mind map. Add your own examples.

3. Go to Grammar Focus. Study basic tense forms in Active Voice. You may also visit https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar, https://www.study.ru/support/handbook/verb2.html

4. You may watch a video about the English tenses at https://video.about.com/esl/Learn-ESL--What-Are-the-Tenses-in-English-.htm




Find examples of present, past, and future tenses in the texts above.

2. Which tenses are the two verb forms in these sentences?

What is the difference between them?

He lives with his parents.

She’s living with an English family for a month.

Choose the correct verb form.


1. Maria comes / is coming from Chile.

2. She speaks / is speaking Spanish and English.

3. Today Tom wears / is wearing jeans and T-shirt.

4. Are you liking / Do you like black coffee?

5. Last year she went / goes on holiday to Florida.

6. Next year she studies / is going to study at university.


3. Write a paragraph about yourself. Use the texts to help you.

Go to https://www.wikihow.com/Find-a-Penpal. Study how to find a pen pal. Make your profile.

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