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Grammar Practice


Ex.1. Supply Future Simple or Present Simple.

1. I (go) and see Rome as soon as I (reach) Italy. 2. If the sunset (be) red, it is a sign that we (have) a fine day tomorrow. 3. I (be) glad if some of my dreams (come) true. 4. Many people (believe) that the time (come) when there (be) a universal parliament of the world. 5. If you (leave) the house soon, you (be) able to catch the morning train. 6. I (trust) the next mail (bring) better news from home. 7. Whenever you (go), you (find) only friendly people there. 8. I (think) he (not, know) when Harry (return). 9. She (become) a manager when she (finish) studying. 10. If things (get) worse, I (lose) my job. 11. Please, stop before you (get) into trouble. 12. The new boss (make) any changes? – He has already made some. 13. I (stay) with the baby if you (telephone) the doctor. 14. I (not, be) sure if he (win) the race. 15. Tell me if you (meet) John in May. 16. Our train (arrive) at 7 a.m. tomorrow. 17. When their bus (depart) next Monday? – It (leave) at 6 o’clock sharp.


Ex.2. Supply Future Simple or Present Progressive.

1. Where you (go) for your next holiday? 2. I (give) her a lift to work if she likes. 3. Do you know Ann (come) back at the end of the week? 4. I’m afraid I am not quite ready. – Never mind. I (wait). 5. – We have very nice strawberries. – All right. I (have) a pound. 6. We (have) a party next Saturday night. You (come)? 7. Why you (move) the furniture away? You (paint) the room? 8. There are a lot of mistakes in the document. – All right. I (type) it again. 9. Leave a note for him on the table and he (see) it as soon as he comes. 10. She (leave) for Washington tomorrow night. 11. He says he (meet) us at the bus stop but I’m sure he (forget) about it. 12. He (return) if you (ask) him. 13. You (do) anything special tonight? – Yes, my nephew (arrive) and I (show) him round Moscow. 14. I hear you (take part) in the race tomorrow. You (ride) a bike?


Ex.3. Supply Present Progressive or be going to.

1. Where you (go) for your holidays? – I (go) to Norway. – What you (do) there? – I (fish). 2. Where they (go) this evening? – They (not, go) anywhere. They (stay) at home. They (watch) a video film. 3. Take the umbrella. It (rain) heavily. 4. How long she (stay) in this country? Has she decided? – She (return) home at the end of the month. – What she (do) then? – She (try) to find a job. 5. I’ve seen the film and now I (read) the book, but I haven’t started to read the book yet. 6. You (do) anything special next weekend? – Yes, my aunt (come) and I (show) her round the city. – You (take) her to the theatre? – Of course, she is fond of it. 7. His son isn’t happy at his boarding school. His father (send) the boy to a day school. He (see) the headmaster of the day school this morning. 8. Tina (arrive) tomorrow. She (spend) the weekend here or (catch) the night train back as usual? – She (spend) the weekend. She (attend) Mr Smth’s lecture on Friday and (have) a big reception on Saturday.

Ex.4. Put in Future Simple or be going to.

1. Look out! We (crush). 2. There is the doorbell. – I (open). 3. If you vote for us we (give) you a pay rise. 4. Would you excuse me? I (have) a bath. 5. If you say it again I (hit) you. 6. I wonder what she (do) with that hammer? 7. Can anybody answer the phone? – I (answer).


Ex.5. Supply Future Simple, Present Simple or Future Progressive.

1. Fasten your belts, please. We (take off) in a few minutes. 2. When you (go) to the bank to draw some money? 3. Do you think he still (work) in three years’ time? 4. The President (meet) the Prime Minister before flying back home. 5. How long you (stay) in Geneva on the way home? 6. We (drive) to Moscow next Wednesday evening. 7. This time next year I (travel) to the Far East. 8. I don’t think I (see) him tonight. 9. Ben (study) Economics for five years at the University. 10. I (tell) her everything and I (show) her some photos. I promise she (not, laugh) this time. 11. There (not, be) anybody when we (come). The Simons (have) dinner. 12. It (rain) when we (get) there. 13. I (call) for her at 9. – Oh, no. She still (sleep). 14. Fred still (be) here when you (come). He (look) through your papers.


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