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Вэй цзи. Еще не конец 6 страница

Here we would like to mention the main points in which the present edition differs from the previous one.

The first thing we did was to compare the earlier edition of the book by Yu.K. Shchutskii with the author's manuscript. On the one hand, we have traced down and corrected a large amount of mistakes that more often than not distorted the text or changed its meaning. This happened because the text was very complicated and there was no author to read the proofs. On the other hand, we have restored everything that was left out by N.I. Konrad, the editor of the first translation. These were small pieces and also a large fragment (about 30 typewritten pages) of Chapter II (Chapters 9-30 of the work by Pi Xi-rui) and two valuable tables of prophetic terms in the second part (Chapters I and XII). These additions changed the number of chapters: Chapters XII and XIII became Chapters XIII and XIV accordingly. As a result we had to leave out a small bibliographical chapter (4 typewritten pages) Equipment of a Sinologist Translating the " Book of Changes" that had become outdated.

Second, we checked the translation against the original and introduced certain changes, corrected inaccuracies^ added what had been missed and sorted out the terms (with preference for the author's terms), used three types of brackets and typefaces to mark the textual layers and conjectures.

Third, we have supplied a detailed commentary that increased Konrad's commentaries, preserved in full, several times over.

Fourth, we have written an introductory article about the present state of studies of the Book of Changes in the world and the recent discoveries in this field. The article is supplied with illustrations presupposed by the monument's symbolic-numerical nature.

Fifth, we have compiled Shchutskii's new biography and bibliography of his works and what was written about him and supplied them with interesting historical documents: his autobiography and V.M. Alexeev's Notes on Scholarly Works and Research of Sinologist Prof. Yulian Shchutskii.

Sixth, we have complemented Konrad's foreword for the first edition with Alexeev's significant and constructive review of Shchutskii's work (used as an afterword).

Seventh, we have compiled a bibliography about the Book of Changes and renovated the scientific apparatus.

Eighth, the book is supplied with the Chinese original of Zhou yi reproducing the most authoritative for the Yu.K. Shchutskii's time publication of the text in the series of Harvard-Yanjing indexes. The text is especially valuable for its considering all the main allographs known at that time.







(Текст в doc-файле пропущен)




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