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Here are three ads of the hotels. Read the description of the location and

hotel facilities and compare them. Answer the questions:


Which hotel:

  Alexander Hotel Helena Hotel Apollo Hotel
Is the biggest      
Is the most luxurious      
Has the best facilities      
Has the widest choice of restaurants      
Has the best transportation      
Is the cheapest      


Alexander Hotel 5-star

420 rooms

2 restaurants, a bar, 2 pools, 6 tennis courts, 2 squash courts, Jacuzzi

10 minutes’ walk from beach

£ 389 (for 7 nights)


Helena Hotel 3-star

320 rooms

a restaurant, a bar, a tennis court

15 minutes’ walk from beach

£ 290 (for 7 nights)

Apollo Hotel 4-star

540 rooms

a restaurant, pool, 2 tennis courts, a shop

5 minutes’ walk from beach

£ 310 (for 7 nights)


5. The three families below are going to Amsterdam on a weekend break:

1). Mr. and Mrs. Brown: a young couple on their honeymoon. They would like somewhere quiet and romantic, with a good restaurant. They would prefer a room with a bathroom rather than a shower.

2). Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson: an elderly couple who want somewhere as central and as cheap as possible.

3). Mr. and Mrs. Green: a couple in their middle-thirties, with a son aged 11 and a daughter aged 12. They have friends in Amsterdam so they won’t often be eating in the hotel. Mr. Green likes to go jogging in the morning. Their children want a hotel where will be other young people.

Study the information about the hotel below. Which hotel would you advise

each family to stay at? Why?


A small hotel of 16 rooms. Situated in a quiet, residential area behind Vondel park, it overlooks a small canal and the park itself. The bedrooms have their own shower, TV and radio. Twin rooms with bath are available at a supplement. Although the hotel does not have a restaurant or bar, the dining room is very pleasant and drinks are served on request.

We recommend early booking because of the limited accommodation available.

NO CHARGE 1 child under 12 sharing room with 2 adults. (Meals payable direct).

Supplement per person per night:

Twin with bath - £ 4.00

Single with shower - £ 8.00


Once a private house with a rich history, this hotel is highly recommended for the standard of its accommodation. Because of the nature of the building all rooms are different, each with its own character, and they are on a number of levels. These are larger, superior rooms with a view of the canal (available at a supplement).

Downstairs you will find a quiet bar and a small breakfast room. The hotel has no lift and some of the stairs are quite steep so please request a downstairs room if the stairs could be a problem. All rooms have a private shower.

Supplements per person per night:

Superior twin with canal view - £ 7.00

Single room - £ 11.00

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