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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

D) to stay

E) has stayed


$$$ 35 B

Choose the right form of the verb:

I saw Paul at the airport. He … for his brother’s plane to arrive fromCanada.

A) had been waiting

B) was waiting

C) waited

D) had waited

E) are waiting


$$$ 36B

Choose the right form of the verb:

Robert didn’t answer the phone when Mary called. He … a shower and didn’t hear the phone ring.

A) had been taking

B) was taking

C) had taken

D) are taking

E) are not taking


$$$ 37 B

Choose the right form of the verb:

While I … a burglar climbed into the room through the window.

A) had been sleeping

B) was sleeping

C) slept

D) had slept

E) to sleep


$$$ 38 B

Choose the right form of the verb:

I … to London tomorrow; I will phone you when I arrive.

A) to come

B) am coming

C) will be coming

D) will have come

E) will coming


$$$ 39 B

Choose the right form of the verb:

My room has been in a mess for days. So tomorrow afternoon I … it.

A) clean

B) am going to clean

C) will have cleaned

D) am cleaning

E) are cleaning


$ $ $ 40 C

Choose the right form of the verb:

Susan is a fashion designer. Now, she … at a new set of clothes to be shown at a fashion show in April.

A) works

B) has been working

C) is working

D) has working

E) will work


$ $ $ 41 A

Choose the right form of the verb:

They … in the park now.

A) Are jogging

B) Jog

C) Jogged

D) To jog

E) Jogs


$ $ $ 42B

Choose the right form of the verb:

I bought some warm boots because I … skiing.

A) Will going

B) Am going

C) Is going

D) Have gone

E) Had gone


$ $ $ 43C

Choose the right form of the verb:

Now, holidays. Where... you … this year?

A) Will

B) Shall

C) Are … going
D) Did

E) Do


$ $ $ 44 C

Choose the right form of the verb:

… tennis tonight?

A) Do you play

B) Have you played

C) Are you going to play

D) Is you going to play

E) Are you playing


$ $ $ 45A

Choose the right form of the verb:

We can out now. It … any more.

A) Isn’t raining

B) Aren’t raining

C) Rains

D) Won’t rain

E) Isn’t rain


$ $ $ 46 D

Choose the right form of the verb:

Mike … in the park at 4 yesterday.

A) Is going

B) Has walked

C) Have walked

D) Was walking

E) Is walking


$ $ $ 47 E

Choose the right form of the verb:

When I came home my parents …

A) Watched TV

B) Watch TV

C) Will watch TV

D) Are watching TV

E) Were watching TV


$ $ $ 48 D

Choose the right form of the verb:

What … your father … at this time yesterday?

A) Will/do

B) Does/do

C) Is/doing

D) Was/doing

E) Did/do


$ $ $ 49 A

Choose the right form of the verb:

Tom burnt his hand while he … the dinner.

A) Was cooking

B) Is cooking

C) Cooked

D) Cook

E) Had cooked


$ $ $ 50 B

Choose the right form of the verb:

Jane … for me when I arrived.

S) Is waiting

B) Was waiting

C) Had waited

D) Waited

E) Have been waited


$ $ $ 51 A

Choose the right form of the verb:

Hurry up! Everybody … for you.

A) is waiting

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