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Put each of the following words or phrases in the correct space in the passage below.

pay push find spend take buy sell need complain look for

I love shopping. I love looking round the shops and seeing all the things and all the people. My friends say I like to (a)………….money. It’s probably true. There’s a very good supermarket near me. They have everything you (b)…………… for your house. If you want a tin of sardines, a tube of toothpaste, a box chocolates, a carton of milk, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of beer or a jar of jam, you can (c)………………………it at the supermarket. They (d)………………..everything. if you want a lot of things, you can use a trolley and (e)……………….it in front of you. If you don’t want much, you can use a small basket. Then (f)………………..the things you want. If you can’t (g)………………….. them on the shelves, ask an assistant for help. When you see what you want, you just (h)…………………..it from the shelves and put it in the trolley. When you have everything, you must stand in the queue at the check-out to (i)……………………... Give your money to the cashier. He or she will put it in the till and give you your change. If there is anything wrong, if the service isn’t good, customers can (j)…………………….to the manager. Our supermarket is super.

Put the correct word or phrase from the text above in each space.

From round in front of for on at in to

1. Before I buy, I look…………..the shop.

2. I must buy some things……………..my house.

3. You can buy almost everything…………..the supermarket.

4. I pushed the trolley………….me.

5. There’s some nice fruit…………that shelf.

6. I asked an assistant…………..some help.

7. I put the bottles ……………my trolley.

8. I had to wait ……………….a queue.

9. I gave the correct money……………the cashier.

Complete each sentence with the correct word from the list. Then explain each of the phrases.

Hat glove shirt trousers shoes

1. I love your new dress, it’s such a beautiful colour and it fits you like a ……...

2. Elaine doesn’t want anybody to know about her new job yet, so keep it under your ….

3. She’s so bossy. I think it’s obvious who wears the ……………..in her family.

4. I wouldn’t want to be in Mike’s …….when his boss finds out he wasn’t really sick last week.

5. If the deal goes wrong, he’s going to lose his …………………………….

18. Write a short article devoted to one of the following topics:

Exotic shopping in my life.

Perfect place to go shopping in our city.

In good times people want to advertise, in bad times they have to.

Money makes the world go round.

Think about:

· types of shops

· opening days and times

· items sold

· service and prices

· facilities

· recommendations to shoppers

· ambient advertising

You can use the following phrases:

….is a great place to…….

There you can find………

Service: good/excellent; slow/fast; friendly/helpful stuff

Price: reasonable, expensive, overpriced, high/low

Facilities: large/small car park, clean/dirty toilets, cafe, seating area

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