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What are the claws for? 77

What are the ears for? 76 To hear

What are the functions of the organs of digestion? 108, 112 Those organs or regions of the body categorized under the digestive system include the: oral cavity (teeth, tongue, salivary glands, etc.), esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus, pancreas, liver and gallbladder. Once food enters the oral cavity, the process of digestion begins.

From the oral cavity, food, water and saliva are passed back into the esophagus (the walls of the esophagus consist of bands of muscle and unique muscular action is called peristalsis) with the aid of tongue and are swallowed. From the esophagus, the food passes through a muscular sphincter (for it keeps stomach acids and enzymes from entering into) into the stomach. Once the food passes through the sphincter, the stomach acids mixed in the digest are neutralized and rendered harmless by secretions in the small intestine (most digestion occurs and resulting nutritional building blocks are absorbed into the body). The lining of the small intestine consists of millions of small, fingerlike projections called villi, designed to increase the absorptive surface area within the intestine. Digesta and waste that are not absorbed from within the small intestine then pass into the large intestine, which is responsible for removing water electrolytes from the material and lubricating it for passage out of the body through the rectum and anus.


What are the general preventive measures? 193 Vaccination is the best way to protect against tetanus. Clean all wounds thoroughly with soap and water.

What are the legs for? 82 Jumping running for any similar activities

What are the main systems of internal anatomy? 86 The main systems of internal anatomy are: osseous system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, reproductive system, nervous system, muscular system, urogenital system.

What are the organs of reproduction? 67 Male(men)

The major reproductive organs of the male can be grouped into three categories. The first category is sperm production and storage. Production takes place in the testes which are housed in the temperature regulating scrotum, immature sperm then travel to the epididymis for development and storage. The second category are the ejaculatory fluid producing glands which include the seminal vesicles, prostate, and the vas deferens. The final category are those used for copulation, and deposition of the spermatozoa (sperm) within the male, these include the penis, urethra, vas deferens, and Cowper's gland

Female/reproductive system contains three main parts: the vagina, which leads from the vulva, the vaginal opening, to the uterus; the uterus, which holds the developing fetus; and the ovaries, which produce the female's ova. The breasts are involved during the parenting stage of reproduction, but in most classifications they are not considered to be part of the female reproductive system.The vagina meets the outside at the vulva, which also includes the labia, clitoris and urethra; during intercourse this area is lubricated by mucus secreted by the Bartholin's glands. The vagina is attached to the uterus through the cervix, while the uterus is attached to the ovaries via the fallopian tubes. Each ovary contains hundreds of egg cells or ova (singular ovum).

What are the organs of sense for? 106 The organs of sense are the eyes, the ears, the nose and the tongue.


What are the organs of sense for? 84 The organs of senses are the eyes, the ears, the nose and the tongue.

What are the organs of special sense? 105 The special sense are the senses that have specialized organs devoted to them: vision (the eye), hearing and balance (the ear, which includes the auditiryy system and vestibular system), smell (the nose), taste (the tongue).

What are the organs of special sense? 83 In medicine and anatomy, the special senses are the senses that have specialized organs devoted to them:

vision (the eye)

hearing and balance (the ear, which includes the auditory system and vestibular system)

smell (the nose)

taste (the tongue)

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