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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Variant 7

1. Выберите правильный предлог:

You must put...your coat, it's cold outside.

A. on B. at C. out D. off E to

2. I was looking... the gloves everywhere but couldn't find them.

A. for B. at C. out D. after E to

3. Укажите правильную форму глагола:

When he came, they... dinner.

A. were having B. have C. will have D. are having E had

4. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

Why you ______ at me? I suppose you ______ a woman on a motorbike before:

A) Are staring, haven’t seen. B) Stare, see. C) Stared, hadn’t seen. D) Were staring, saw. E) Are staring, didn’t see.

5. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

We ______ this stupid film since lunch time:

A) Have been watching. B) Have watched. C) Are watching. D) Watched. E) Will watch.

6. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

How you ______ if you ______ in my position?:

A) Would feel, were. B) Will feel, were. C) Would feel, are. D) Feel, are. E) Are felling, are.

7. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

I _____ to you because I ______ what _____:

A) Am writing, don’t know, to do. B) Write, don’t know, do. C) Will write, haven’t known, will do.

D) Wrote, hadn’t known, did. E) Will be writing, don’t know, are doing.

8. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

It seemed a good idea so we ______ all the details and ______ into the new house together:

A) Had agreed, moved. B) Agreed, had moved C) Agreed, moved. D) Would agree, would move.

E) Had agreed, had agreed.

9. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

I ______ in a hotel for a fortnight when I ______ your letter:

A) Had been staying, received. B) Was staying, received. C) Was staying, was receiving.

D) Stayed, had received. E) Stayed, have received.

10. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

My home town is famous ______ its peaches:

A) For. B) Of. C) With. D) About. E) In.

11. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

Kate is very keen _______ growing her own vegetables:

A) On. B) At. C) Of. D) With. E) For.

12..Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

Some people are always jealous ________ my good luck:

A) Of. B) After. C) With. D) At. E) In.

13. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

The policeman asked me if I _______ the car accident.

A) Had seen. B) Have seen C) Saw. D) Will see. E) See.

14. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

I think we _______ very well because we have got the same sense of humor:

A) Get on. B) Put off. C) Make up. D) Go on. E) Take up.

15. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

When you ______ her you will see what an interesting person she is:

A) Get to know B) Get the same taste. C) Break up. D) Keep in touch. E) Get on.

16. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

We only see each other about once a month but we ______ by e-mail rather often:

A) Keep in touch. B) Trust each other. C) Argue. D) Get to know. E) Go out.

17. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

He _____ with his girlfriend that’s why he is alone today:

A) Broke up. B) Look like. C) Break down. D) Give back. E) Fall in love.

18. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

Betty’s sister is married ________ John Smith:

A) To. B) With. C) At. D) On. E) In.

19. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

The brother _____ my husband is my brother-in-law:

A) Of. B) And. C) To. D) With. E) About.

20. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

Jack is a designer. He took ________ his father, who also worked as a designer for many years:

A) After. B) Up. C) Like. D) To. E) In.

21. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

Nobody expected that the expedition ________:

A) Would be found. B) Will find. C) Would find. D) Will be found. E) Had found.

22. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants

According _______ modern standards my nephew’s family is rather large. They are 5 in the family:

A) To. B) Upon. C) After. D) With. E) On to.

23. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

John ______ in the garden now:

A) Is still working. B) Still works. C) Has been still working. D) Has still worked.

E) Is still being working.

24. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

Are you tired? - Yes, a little. I ______ the ceiling:

A) Have been painting. B) Painted. C) Is painting. D) Paints. E) Was painting.

25. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

Have you got any money? -Yes, I just ________ it from my brother:

A) Have borrowed. B) Borrowed. C) Did borrow. D) Have been borrowing. E) Have been borrowed

26. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

I have decided I don’t feel the shoes _______ I bought on Saturday:

A) That. B) When. C) Whom. D) Whose. E) Where.

27. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

The furniture in her bedroom is _____ in the sitting room:

A) As modern as. B) Moderner. C) More modern. D) More moderner. E) Modernest

28. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

Now I live in the _____ part of the city:

A)Best B) Better. C) Gooder. D) Goodest. E) As good as.

29. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

There are ______ people in this family:

A) Many. B) More. C) Much. D) Little. E) A little.

30. Complete the sentence using one of the suitable variants.

They have ______ furniture in their house:

A) Much. B) Many. C) Little. D) A lot. E) Lots of

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