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PART one

Exercise XVII. §276

1. Are you going to the airport to meet Nick? — Certainly. I am so glad that he'll be in Moscow again. - Did you go to the same college? - Yes, and besides we worked at the same factory in 1981.

2. Have you invited professor Ivanov? - Yes, he said that he

would be at half past six.

3. Yesterday the weather was rather bad and we didn't go to

the forest.

4. Was it raining in the country yesterday? - No, it wasn't. -

It's strange, and it was raining hard in Moscow.

5. It's very warm outdoors today. Do you mind if I open the


6. Now I get up earlier than usually because I have to prepare breakfast for my father and brothers.

7. Have you got any fresh newspapers?

8. The weather is as bad today as it was yesterday. The sun is

not shining, it's rather cold and it may start snowing.

9. If we go to the station by tram, we'll be late. Let's take a

taxi, shall we?

10. Please, tell the children a funny story. They like funny stories best.

11. Where have you bought this watch? - In the central de­partment store. - Is it expensive? - I paid 35 roubles for it. -

It's a very nice watch. I like it better than mine.

12. February is the snowiest and coldest month here.

13. This coat is warmer than my old one and I'll put it on. It's

rather cold outdoors today.

14. Have you finished the work? - No, I've done only part of it.

15. Is the summer warmer in Moscow than it is in

Leningrad? - Of course, the summer in Leningrad is not so hot as in Moscow.

16. Many students of our group work hard at their English.
LESSON SEVENTEEN (the seventeenth lesson)

Exercise VI. $286

the, the, the, the, the, a, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, the, the, the, the, the, —.

62 •



Exercise VIII. §287

1. The Arctic (Ocean) is not so cold as the Atlantic (Ocean).
2. The Black Sea is not so large as the Baltic Sea. 3. The Caspian
Sea is not so beautiful and deep as Lake Baikal. 4. The mountains
in the Crimea are not so high as the mountains in the Caucasus.
5. The Dnieper is not so long as the Volga. 6. The Caucasus is not
so old as the Urals. 7. The Black Sea Is not so large as the
Mediterranean. -

Exercise IX §288

1.1 want to buy another tie.

2. Who else are you waiting for?

3. What else has Peter told you?
4.1 don't know about it yet..

5. It is still raining.

6. What other cities did you visit last year?

7. He's still speaking on the phone.

8. Don't you know my friend yet?

9. Go to the shop and buy some more bread.


10. When we came back, he was still working.

11. He wanted some time to finish his talk.

. 12. What other rivers in the European part of the Soviet Union do you know?

13. Please give me another book on English literature.

14. Would you like some more tea?

15. Please wait a little. I am not ready yet.

16. It's not seven o'clock yet. We'll reach the station in time.

17. Would you like a cup of tea?

Exercise X. (528*

1. for. 2. about, in, in. 3. on, for. 4. by, through, out of.
5. over. 6. on, to, across. 7. of..

Exercise XII, £ 289

1. TTiere are many big rivers in the Soviet Union: the Volga, the Dnieper, the Lena and others.

2. The Dnieper is narrower than the Lena. But this is the wid­est and the most beautiful river in Ukraine.

3. Every year I spent my holiday in the Crimea but next year I'll go to a holiday home on the Volga.

part ONE

4. My sister's husband doesn't go to the Caucasus in the sum* mer it's too hot for him there. He likes to have a holiday on the Baltic Sea.

5. Next year our students will go to the Urals.

6. Where are more rivers: in the western or eastern part of the Soviet Union?

7. There are more forests in the North of our country than in the South.

8. When we traveled in the mountains last year, we met a man there who was over a hundred.

. 9. This place is famous for its beautiful lakes and fresh moun­tain air.

10. Are you flying there by plane or going by train? - I am
going by train although, it will take me several days. I feel bad

when I fly by plane.

11, When we traveled in Siberia last year we spent several
days in Novosibirsk. This is one of the best cities in Siberia.


LESSON EIGHTEEN (the eighteenth lesson)

Exercise IV. gj29*

* 1. somebody. 2. anybody. 3. none. 4. anybody. 5. Every­thing. 6. anybody. 7. everybody. 8. somewhere. 9. everywhere. 10. anybody. 11. everything. 12. Everybody. 13. someone, rtothing, anything. 14. everything, everyone, anything.

Exercise V. ®2% -

• 1. If anyone is late, we won't wait Everyone must come in time.

2. I can't see anything here.

3. Everyone will be sleeping fast as soon as they get to their
beds. v-'*

4. Tell us something interesting, will you?

5. Let's go to the shop. I need to buy something for supper. J

6. Someone's waiting for you in your room.

7. Please ask him to speak louder. We also hear nothing here.
• 8. Is there anything funny in my story?

9. If you don't start working at your mistakes now, nothi

will help you later.

10. Has anyone invited you for this evening? •

11. It's too late now to do anything about it.

12. This man is never afraid of anything. *

___________________ LESSON EIGHTEEN (the eighteenth lesson/

13. He's somewhere near the sea now.

14. Would someone else like to take part in the discussion?

15. Why is nobody listening to you?;

16. No one will forget it.

17. Didn't any of you know that he was coming today?

18. I've found someone's pen.

19. Did all of them speak at the meeting? - No, there wasn't
enough time for everyone.

20. Everything was done to save this man's life.

Exercise VI, (§297

Is your son good at foreign languages? Are you good at describing things you have seen with your own eyes?

Could you give me a description of the town you were bom in?

Could you describe your first school-teacher to me?

Are there any writers among your friends?

Would you like to have your own car?

When did you move into your new flat?

Where did you get your education?

At what age did you go to the Institute?

Exercise VII. ($297

1. Old Smith paid all his debts except the debt to Mr Green.

2. What other museums besides the British Museum did you

visit when you were in London?

3. Besides this description of Africa I advise you to read the
book by the famous traveler Stanley.

4.1 saw all the plays in this theatre except the last one. 5.1 think that everything that he has written is popular with

the readers except his first book.

6. Your work is nearly ready, isn't it? 7.1 almost made this mistake.

8. He's nearly 90.

9. She's about 50.


10. It was nearly 12, when we left.

11. They were here at about 5 in the evening.

Exercise VIII, £)297

1. Who took part in a performance at his school yesterday?
What did your son do at his school yesterday? When did your son

take part in a performance at his school?

2. Who doesn't like noisy games?



3. Where did you move in 1959? When did you move to Moscow?

4. Whose daughter began playing the piano at an early age? What did my sister's daughter begin doing at an early age?

5. Why did many famous writers have to work hard in their


6. Who decided to write a play of his own when he was about
six? What did Dickens decide to write when he was about six?
When did Dickens decide to write a play of his own?

Exercise IX. §298

the, -, the, his, the, the, their, -, his, -, his, an, -, the,
the, a, a, a, a, — a, an, -, the, a, -, a, the, -, a, -, the,
his, a. ■

Exercise X, 0298

1. of about, near, at, in, for, to, at, to, for.

2. on, of, in, in.

3. of about, in, in, —.

4. by, with.

5- at, of..

Exercise XI. §299

1. Please tell your friend that we enjoyed his talk yesterday.

2. -Describe this picture, please, " said the teacher to the students.

3. I'll speak about this to our engineers. I'll tell them about your work..

4. What are they talking about? - TTiey are discussing a new play by Arbusov.

5. The teachers say this boy is very clever.

6. Excuse me, what did you say?

7. Please don't speak so fast.

8. Speak louder, please, it's very noisy in here and I can't hear you.

9. Tell us something about your home town.


10. Tell him that he's wrong, please.

11. We'll speak about the performance at the lesson.

12. Does any of your friends speak Japanese?

13. Have they told you anything about your talk?

14. Don't tell him that we're leaving soon, please.

15. Please don't talk. Listen to your friends when they are speaking English.


16. Everyone, except you, says the performance was nice.

17. Whom have you told about it?

18. They say, that he wrote his first play at the age of about 15.

19. To whom were you speaking on the phone so loudly when we came in?

ExerciseXIL @i»9

1. other. 2, else. 3. more.. 4. else. 5. yet. 6. still. 7. else. 8. else. 9. another, still. 10. else. 11. other. 12. still. 13. else. 14. yet. 15. more. 16. still, else, still.

Exercise XIII. gfcOO

1. «And now some of you will tell us about the childhood of the great Russian writer Gorky.- said the teacher.

2. There were a lot of children in the garden. They were playing a noisy game and laughing.

3. If it's noisy in here, you can work in my room, there'll be no one there. In a few minutes I am leaving for the Institute.

4. In my early childhood I lived in a village. Later we moved to a little town in the Caucasus where I lived for more than ten years.

5. My friend's father is about seventy but he's still working and says that he enjoys his work a lot.

6. Is someone else going to the museum?

7. When did you move to Moscow? — About ten years ago.

8. If you see the new play, you'll enjoy ft a lot. Everyone says that this is one of the best plays in our theatre.

9. Did you like the film yesterday? -No, 1 didn't. None of our students liked this film.

10. Yesterday I got up later than usually and was almost late
for classes.

11.1 can't go with you to the shop now. I'll do my shopping on the way home.

12. In which novel did Leo Tolstoy describe his childhood? Which novel by Tolstoy is the most popular?

13. That's a pity, you can't give me their addresses. But if you describe me their cottage, I'll probably be able to find it.

14. As soon as I read this novel, I'll be able to give it to you, if you like.



LESSON NINETEEN (the nineteenth lesson) Exercise L ®307

asked - asking accompanied - accompanying

sent - sending written - writing

built - building read - reading

bought -buying studied -studying *

begun - beginning forgotten - forgetting

sold - selling invited - inviting

felt - filling, '....

Exercise HI. ©308

1....reading... 2. While reading the book given me
yesterday... 3....built more than a hundred years ago... 4. Not
knowing my friend's new address... 5....made in different parts
of the Soviet Union. 6....when walking in the wood...never seen
before 7....describing the lives of great people...
8....examining Group Three. 9. When discussing this book...
10. When asked the same question... 11. Being very busy...

Exercise IV. 0308

A. 1. This was a small house built in 1830.

2. While reading English books write out interesting


3. When walking along the street yesterday I met an old friend whom I hadn't seen for ages.

4. Working on the translation of this article I learnt a lot of Interesting things from the history of old English cities.


5. Not knowing Petrov's address we couldn't visit him.

6. Being seriously 111 he couldn't continue working at the


7. I recognized the girl sitting at the piano at once but
I couldn't remember her name till her friend told me it.

8.1 was walking along strange streets looking at the buildings with Interest.

B. 1. An engineer who was waiting for you yesterday has just
rang you up. Can you talk to him today?

2. The man who wrote this book probably traveled a lot.

3. The people sitting at the table were speaking loudly and

laughing. v;

4. All the students who took the books from the library must

give them back after their exams.

5. The doctor who was giving a lecture yesterday came fro

the Far East. 68

Exercise VIIL g)310

1/1 haven't seen my friend since we graduated from the institute.

2.1 haven't been to the theatre since the autumn 3.1 haven't seen Petrov for ages.

4. How many English books have you read since you started learning English?

5. Do you know how many schools and hospitals have been built in your home town since you left it?

6. This actor hasn't taken part in the performances since last spring. All this time he was very ill.

7. My son learnt how to read last year and since then he has already read a lot of books for children.

8.1 haven'* received any letters from my parents for a long time.

9. Many new houses have been built in Moscow since he came
here last.

10. That's a pity, this writer hasn't written anything new
since then.

• 11. Why haven't you written to us since 1974?

12. What other museums have you visited since then? Exercise IX 0310

1. elder. 2. older. 3. last. 4. latest. 5. Hast. 6. next. 7. nearest. 8. former, latter. 9. next, 10. farthest. 11. further.

Exercise VII, gj3tt

two hundred and thirty-five words; seven hundred and fifty-three pages; two thousand six hundred and seventy-four books; one million two hundred and fifty thousand, seven hundred and sixty-two people; three hundred and sixty-five d.*ys; three hundred and seventy-one people; one hundred and five weeks; two hundred and two days; one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight pages; three thousand two hundred and fifty words.

Exercise VIII. g3H

1. The Ivanovs' elder son is an officer, isn't he? 2. I haven't seen the Smiths since autumn. 3. We are going to see the New Year in at the Petrovs'. 4. 1 am sorry, but the Browns don't live here any more. 5. The Whites are going to invite a lot of people, aren't they?

pari one

Exercise IX, @3! 1

1. at, to, with. 2. of, from, against, at. 3. in, on, in, for, in,
from. 4. On, near, of, by. 5. to, to. 6. off, at. 7. of, to. 8. At, at.
9. in, on. 10. from, at, -.

Exercise X, |? 3U

a) 1. At first we wanted to go to the theatre on Saturday but
then we changed our minds and decided to go to the country for
the week-end.

2. At first we wanted to go by plane but then we changed our minds and decided to go by train.

3. I advise you to look through all your magazines first and

only then go to the library

4. First describe him the house and then he'll tell you if he can find It without the exact address. • " •

5. First of all I want to introduce you to my wife.

b) 1. At first he didn't understand that he was wrong but
later he realized his mistake.

2.1 don't understand why he didn't keep his promise to help


3. If you don't understand this rule, I'll explain it to you once

4. At last his dream was realized and he became a doctor.

c) 1. When he turned round, I realized at once that I had seen
him somewhere before.

2. We wanted to reach the lake but it began to rain and we;
decided to turn back.

3. Please turn on the light.

4. Turn off the radio, please.

5. Turn off the TV set, please.

d) 1. Who else would like to go to the civil parade?

2. What other lectures have you been to?

3. When he came the guests were still dancing.

4. Five more people besides Petrov took part in t

5. Who else from your class entered the Institute of Foreign

6. What other holiday do you like very much?
7.1 haven't introduced you to my sister yet.
8. I'll sing you one more song.
9.1 saw him at exactly eight. He was still working.
10. My son doesn't go to college yet. He's still a school

____________ _______________ LESSON TWENTY (the twentieth lesson)

11. Give me another plate of soup, please.

12. Give me some more soup, please.

13. Whom else are you inviting to your birthday party? - I'll
invite three more guests.

Exercise XII, 0313

1. told. 2. were... talking. 3. tell/say. 4. says. 5. speak.
6. say. 7. tell. 8. spoke. 9. speak. 10. tell. 11. is talking. 12. say,
speak. 13. tell.

Exercise XV. £ 3315

' 1. Where are you going to see the New Year in? - I think, at the Petrovs' but I am not sure yet.

2. You haven't been at our country cottage since last year
and you haven't seen our garden yet. Come and see it. - With
pleasure. Can I bring my elder son with me? - Certainly, we'll be
happy to see him. I am sure, he'll like it in our garden.

3. Will the lecture really start at one? - Yes, don't be late.

4. I am sorry, I haven't introduced you to my wife.


5. Can any of the guests play the piano? Let's dance, shall we? i

6. I haven't seen you for ages but you look as young as 10 years ago.

7. If you make up your mind to go to the exhibition today, ring us up. We'll be glad to join you.

8. Why haven't you put on your coat? It is rather cold today. - When we left home in the morning, it wasn't raining, the sun was shining and it was quite warm.

9. We can't wait for Smirnov any longer. It's late and it will be difficult for us to get home.


10. Your elder brother promised to come at exactly six. I wonder if he'll keep his promise?

11. -Have you really changed your mind? - he said interrup­ting us.



LESSON TWENTY (the twentieth lesson)

Exercise II. 0322 1. I'd like

them to have a good time with us.

him to finish the work.

her to find out when we have an exam.


part one

you to tell me when you come home today,
her to tell us what she is doing tonight. ■
: them to be introduced to us. •

the work to be done today. everything to be done in time, a new house to be built on this place. 2. Would you like

her to introduce you to her mother? the children to play here?, us to meet today?

the work to be done so soon? ; = *

this to be forgotten?

us to discuss this question today?

3.1 don't want

him to give a promise and not to keep it.. you to play chess here, you to get ill. Please put on your coat, this question to be discussed in a hurry.., - 4. We didn't expect

you to come back so early, him to interrupt us., her to speak English so well, them to notice us.

her to give such an interesting talk.. the lecture to be listened-to with such interest.

Exercise V. 1332* • '

1. Please stop talking. I can't hear what he's saying.

2. Although it was very late he went on working at the talk

that he was going to give the next day.

3. They started working at exactly 9.

4.1 think, we can continue discussing this question.

5. He continued reading the book till he found the right


6. Do you mind my bringing a friend with me?

7. I recognized this man as soon as she finished describing

him to me. ■?

8. I won't mind your helping him with his work.

9. Do you mind our dancing a little longer?

Exercise VII, g325

1. When we came in, the film had already begun.

____________________________ LESSON TWENTY (fhe twentieth lesson)

2. We came to Moscow when I was 10. Before that our family
had lived in a small village in the North of our country.

3. As soon as the rain stopped we went to the riverside.

4. My friend was very pale when I met him. I understood that something had happened to him. /■

5. We had read several books about Tchaikovsky before we went to Klin.

6. What factory had you worked at before you came to our institute?

7. What foreign language had you learned before you entered the Institute of Foreign Languages?;

8.1 knew no one in this city, when Peter introduced me to his
friends. ', '

9. When my friend left, I remembered that I had forgotten to
return him the book.

10. We didn't know that Ann was ill. We thought that she had left for a holiday.

11. This is a difficult rule. I only understood it when I had read it several times.

12. Paul had finished the work by eight. He went into the street. The rain had stopped, it was rather cold. When he was walking along the street, he saw a friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time. The friend didn't recognize him because many years had passed since their last meeting. Paul didn't want to call out to him and he continued walking.

Exercise VIII. §32*

1. by, -, to, to. 2. to, for. 3. to, of. 4. in, out. 5. in, for, on.
6. of, for, to. 7. of, on, after. 8. At. to, to. 9. to, to. 10 to. for,
about. 11. of. 12. On, on, about. 13. of, of.

Exercise IX. §328

a, an, a, a, the, a, the, the, the, the, the. the, the, a, the, the, the, -, the, the, the, -, the, your, my.

Exercise X. fp329

a) 1. Try to explain this rule to him. I think, it won't be dif­ficult for you to do it.

2. It's nice to have a rest on the river at the week-end.

3. It's necessary to continue the work.

4. It's important for us to know the truth.

5. It's very noisy here. It's quite impossible to work.

6. When we got aboard the ship, it was quite dark.

7. We'll come back if it starts raining.

8. It's easy for him to leam English because he knows Fren
and German.

b) 1. It's getting hot here. Let the boy take off his coat.

2. It got dark, let's go home, shall we?

3. It got hot. Let the children go to the river.

4. It's winter. The days are growing shorter and the nights

longer. - '

5.1 am glad that you are getting better. *

6.1 would like my elder son to become an engineer.

Exercise XII. £ 9329

1. next door to. 2. next to. 3. accompanies. 4. saw. 5. first. 6. at first. 7. wait for. 8. thing. 9. incident. 10. incident.

Exercise XIV, 0331

1. This 1s the only book I've enjoyed lately. I'd like you to read it too.

2. The teacher asked everyone to stop talking and he said it was time to start the lesson.

3. When Ann was asked why she hadn't come for classes the day before she answered that she had had a terrible headache.

4. The doctor stopped writing and asked the patient if he felt better.

5.1 asked my friend if he had expected me to come.

6.1 don't mind if they wait for us here.

7.1 was surprised when I saw that he got angry with you.

. 8.1 ask you to talk to me politely.

■. 9.1 read all his novels except this one. I'd like Peter to give It to me for several days.

10. Don't interrupt him, let him finish reading the article.

11. I'd like you to speak English to each other.


12. Ann told me that she wouldn't go to the lecture today, she had a bad toothache. j

13. I was surprised when I found out that the Petrovs lived near us.

14. Is it true that the operation lasted two hours? -

15. To tell the truth, I didn't expect him to remind me about
it again.

16. What have you written here? I can't make out a thing.

17. I would like you to add several words to what I've jus
said. - I have nothing to add.


Exercise IV, fp336

1. hurry, still. 2. among. 3. bank. 4. shore, none. 5. tell. 6. forget. 7. left, bring. 8. are speaking. 9. tell, else. 10. hardly, speak. 11. hard. 12. bad. 13. between. 14. either. 15. too.

Exercise V, @336. r

1. We didn't want you to stay there for so long. 2.1 didn't expect them to change their minds. They wanted to go to the South this summer, didn't they?

3. The doctors didn't expect the patient to get well so soon.

4. I'd like you to read this book, too. * 5.1 wanted him to tell the truth.

6. We expected you to keep your promise.

7. I don't want you to defend Peter. Don't you see he's

8. I don't want this question to be discussed without me.

9. She doesn't want him to be laughed at.

. 10. We didn't expect the game to be stopped.

Exercise VL §337. • '. \ J.

Dear Ann,

1 couldn't answer your letter at once because I was very busy last month. Now I've finished my work and can write to you.

My children will take their exams soon and we'll go to the country for the summer. We'll stay in the house my husband and I lived in at the end of the last summer. This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. We liked it and we enjoyed our holiday a lot. The Pavlovs also usually have a holiday there but when we came, they were already back in Moscow. There is a river and a forest there. We'll be swimming and sunbathing and in the hot­test time of the day we'll be walking and resting somewhere in the forest. My sister spent her last summer with us. You know that her son's health was very poor but now he feels better. I'd like you to join us. We haven't seen you for ages.

You can come at the beginning of July or later with your family or without them. Will your chfldren go to the camp as usual? If not, bring them with you. I know you'll like it here. I have just heard on the radio that the weather 1n July will be fine. We'll have a good time together. I am sure, you won't be sorry if you come.

1 hope to hear from you before we leave. Send my love to (Greet) your husband and children.

Love, Mary.

LESSON TWENTY-ONE (the twenty-first lesson)

Ewtise í³ ðàä

1. I've never heard him sing,
them speak English.

you translate from Russian into French.

2. Have you heard

me translate their conversation?

her leave the room?

us enter the room?

us answer the teacher's questions?

them knock at the door?

her play the piano?

them discuss this question? -

3. We saw

her try to close the window, you swim.

you cross the river and come back.

the stranger disappear round the corner.

her close the window and leave the room.

them help an old lady to get off the bus. young men jump the queue.

4. Have you seen

them laugh at something?

her sit in the hall?

us play tennis?

him play volleyball?

our professor perform an operation?

5. They watched

her playing the piano.

us playing chess.

the ship approaching the shore.

the children playing in the garden.

the boys jumping into the water.

the doctor performing an operation.

6. He didn't notice them go out.
the train start.

us come into the room, it happen.

the boys start fighting.

Exerdsc VIH. 03»

1. on, in, in. 2. in, out of. 3. at, on. 4. out. 5. on, with, of. 6. -, in.

7. to. 8. for, in, of.

Exercise IX §m


Exercise X. ©34* ■ 1
keep -kept -kept - keeping
meet - met - met — meeting
send - sent - sent — sending
build -built - built - building
give - gave - given - giving
put — put - put — putting
get up -got up - got up - getting up
speak - spoke -spoken - speaking
know — knew - known — knowing
teach - taught - taught - teaching
sell -sold -sold - selling
buy — bough -bought - buying
stop -stopped -stopped — stopping
find - found - found - finding
lose -lost -lost - losing
take -took -taken - taking - spending
spend - spent -spent
wake — woke -woken -waking
begin -began - begun - beginning
do -did -done -doing
make - made*. — made - making
show — showed - shown — showing.
bring - brought - brought - bringing
hear -heard - heard - hearing
continue — continued - continued — continuing
sing -sang -sung — singing
allow — allowed - allowed — allowing
interrupt - interrupted - interrupted — interrupting
reach — reached — reached — reaching
die -died -died - dying
lie -lay - lain -lying
upset - upset — upset - upsetting


Exercise XII £ 13W a) 1.1 wonder how the film ends. 2. When did the Great Patriotic War finish? 3. Everything finished successfully. 4. When we came back, the lecture was already over.

her, the, a, -, the, -, a, her, a, the, the, a, the, the, the, the, the, the, a, the, the.

5. Has the meeting finished by 6?

b) 1. The delegation arrives in the USSR in a week.

2. They came here to discuss some questions they ar Interested in.

3. When the train arrived at the station, there were a lo people.

4. The first group of the actors has already arrived in Moscow.

5. The actors came to Moscow to take part in the festival.

c) 1. The ship was approaching. ■.
2. The officer came up to the captain and said that all the

travelers reached the shore safely in the boats.

d) 1. He remained true to his ideals all his life.

2. She remained beautiful although she was over 50.

3. If you're tired, let's stay the night here.

e) 1. He said just the opposite.

2.1 think, she'll get very angry. — Oh, just the opposite, you don't know her.

3. This is just the opposite of what I meant.

4. This is just the opposite of what I was going to do.

Exercise XIII. g! 3«

1. When the wind rose, we had already reached the shore safely.

2. I've heard him announce that everyone had to be present at the next lecture.


3. I've heard that everything ended well.

4. His wish to become an actor was great.


5. Yesterday it was raining all day long and it upset all plans.

6. Having looked at him, I understood at once that he upset. - You're right. He's been in a bad mood the whole week.

7. Manson had already finished his round of duties and w about to go home when the telephone rang.

8. When the mother found out that Tom had already b operated on and he was out of danger she calmed down.

9. When the work had been finished, they left the city.

10. We saw the ship going directly towards the shore.

11. The sky was cloudless, the sea was calm. The shore cam in sight in the distance at 7 in the evening.

12. He was about to tell me something when the knock at th door interrupted him.

13. It's good that you've come. I was just going to ring you up.

14. Please help Mary, take her things. They're heavy for her to carry.

15. It was raining hard, a cold northern wind was blowing and we realized that the three who stayed in the mountains were in danger.

16. Ring us up, please, if you're on duty and can't come to our place tonight.

17. My brother asked me not to be surprised at what he was going to tell me.

18. Ann didn't notice me enter that was why she was very surprised to see me when she turned round.

19. The teacher asked the children to sit still and left the classroom.

20. The patient asked if the operation would be painful and the doctor calmed him down by saying that he wouldn't feel any pain.

21. Before the Revolution this palace belonged to a rich man. There's a holiday home in it now.

22. To tell the truth, I am not tired at all. - I am not tired, too. Let's walk a little longer.

LESSON TWENTY-TWO (the twenty-second lesson)

Exercise III. |p353

A 1. I'll find out myself if he feels better.

2. We didn't expect ourselves that Peter would do the work
so carelessly.

3. Perhaps she'll explain everything herself.

4. Will the professor perform the operation himself?
5.1 hope, you'll discuss this question yourselves.

6. Our children were in the country at the week-end and en-
joyed themselves skiing in the forest.

7. Read this article yourself, will you?

8. You must have a rest. Look at yourself in the mirror. You
look quite sick.

9. We found ourselves in a village at last and decided to rest.
B. 1. -Please take me with you. I'd like to see this film toe-
said the son to his father.

2. Don't go to the lectures if you feel bad.

3. He got up earlier than usually, washed, dressed, had
breakfast and at 7 he already left home.

4. Stop behaving like a child you're almost ¡ 8.


Exercise V. [p5*

1.1 think, this will make.?

you read this book again, him write to his father. Ann change her plans, them make the work themselves. Boris take care of the tickets himself. 2.1 wonder, what makes you do everything in a hurry, her continue working at this age. him carry such a heavy suitcase himself, you ring up this man if he doesn't want to do anything for you.

3. Will this make her stop the work? you believe us?
her finish the work in time?

them do the work more carefully?

the children get up earlier?

them come to our place more often?

him leam to skate (dance, ski, play chess)?

4. Nothing will make;

me come to his place again, them change their minds, them come here again, him stop smoking, his mother go there by plane.

her sing on the stage although she's got quite a pleasant voice. 5.1 hope, you can make them happy, your mother happy.

this dress shorter yourself. this dress longer yourself.

6. You shouldn't make your father angry, make him angry. Exercise VII. §356

1. Please let me pass.
Please keep my seat for me.

Will you find something out for me?

2. Are you leaving for good or do you intend to come back?
Is the seat next to you vacant or taken?

Are you good at painting (drawing)? Do I owe you any money? Did you enjoy yourself last week-end? Could you give me some advice? -Have you got any news for me?

Exercise DC 0357

1. for, at, of, to, -, in, to, -, In, round, -, to. 2. to, for, for.
3. at, in. 4. -. 5. On, to. 6. through. 7. by, by, at. 8. to, to. 9. -,
for. 10. in. 11. against. 12. of. 13. In, by, without. 14. in, to, at,:
of. 15. by. 16. about, on. 17. up, down.

Exercise XI. i358,

the, the, the, the, a, their, their, the, their, the, the, -, a, -, their, -, -, the, her, a, her, -, the, the, the, the, the, -, -, the, the, the, -, -, -, the, our, her, our, your, the, her, our, the, -, a, -, my, the, her, -s.-, my,.-, -, my, your,

-, -, the, the, the. ';

ExerciseXII. §359. 7

I.Thisfc good news, isn't it?:

2. The information given in this article is very important for

your work.

3.1 am not going to follow this advice.

4. He always gives us good advice. Why don't you follow it?

5. Could you give me some advice on this question? 6.1 think, you've made good progress recently.

Exercise XIV. gj360

1. speaks, says. 2. told, says. 3." said. 4. talk. 5. speak, said.

Exercise XV, gl360 -..i; ; v, ''.. ■ v.-i-if. '

1. A young engineer didn't want to speak much about.the machine that he had invented because he wasn't sure if the spe­cialists would get interested in it.

2. You seem to be worried about something. What's the matter?. -v •,.,)J:

3. I'd like us to go to the canteen now. It'll be overcrowded in half an hour. • i [a

4. Why are you so upset? You're not leaving for ever, are you? Two months will pass quickly ybu'U get better and come back home again.

5. I am very grateful to you for the book. I couldn't find it anywhere and I have to give a talk in a week. •»'

6. Do you mind if I give you the money I owe you tomorrow? -Not at all, I've forgotten about it completely. < ■ " • •

7. Everyone wanted Ann to sing again but she asked not to make her sing any more because she was very tired.1 - '**

8. What happened? Why is there such a big crowd? • *

4-5379 •


9. If you want to enjoy yourself, go and see this play. It's thé
most amusing play I have ever seen.

10. We expected you to bring us good news.

11. Don't be angry with us. We didn't expect this news to. upset you so much..

12. Why don't you make your son ski or skate more? He's rather pale because he doesn't go out much.

.. 13.1 like to watch my little son painting. It amuses me a lot. 14.1 am surprised that he believed this strange news.

15. You have told everyone about the meeting, haven't you?

16. Unfortunately, no one could warn the travelers of the


LESSON TWENTY-THREE (the twenty-third lesson)

Exercise H. $367

Both my sister and I were upset when we heard the news.

2. You can either change trains at this station or the next one.

3. Both my friend and his wife were surprised when they saw me at such a late hour. 4. Both my son and I like boating very much. 5. Both my friend and I have been to the exhibition. 6. Both the children and the parents enjoyed the performance. 7. Are both books and magazines sold at this shop? 8. Both a sailing boat and a ship were seen in the distance. 9. I was surprised to hear her say that she could neither read nor write.

Exercise III. 3363

1. Both old people and children defended their home towni ( 2.1 was said that neither Ann, nor her husband was at at the moment.

3.1 think, our friends are coming to Moscow either tomorr or the day after tomorrow.

4. My son could neither read nor write when he went
school. '

5. Both your son and your nephew have made good progrè s


6. Both students and teachers are interested In discuss'
this question.

7. Neither wind nor rain could stop the sailors.

8. Both my son and I saw this film. ' ': i:
. 9.1 didn't like either words or music of this song.

10. You speak so fast that neither I nor Klimov can fol you.

1 1. Neither I nor my friends liked the play.

12. Both French and German languages are taught in this

school.: - -

. 13. Hasn't this news surprised either you or your sister?

14. Either you or your friend will have to be on duty tomorrow.

Exercise V. ^368

1. So did they. 2. So did they. 3. Neither was my friend. 4. So will Ann. 5. So were they. 6. Neither has my son. 7. So did 1.8. So did my friends. 9. Neither has your brother.

Exercise VI fl369

1. So am I. 2. So am I. 3. Nor can mine. 4. So will we. 5. So does mine. 6. Nor did he. 7. So has she. 8. So will we. 9. Nor am I. 10. So did we. 11. Neither did we. 12. So have I.

Exercise VII. dJ371

1. of, -. 2. to, for, 3. -, by, -in. 4. to, to, for, to, by, on, in, for, of, in. 5. to, out. 6. on, with, of. 7. from. 8. to. 9. from, on. 10. in, -. 11, to, on. 12. of. 13. up to, in, at.

Exercise VIII 0371 '

the, the, the, a. the. the, -, the, the, a, the, the, the, the, the, -, the, the, an, the, the, a, a, the, the. the, a, the, a, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, -, the, the, the, a, a, a, a, the, the. the, the, a.

Exercise X, §372

1. the other day. 2. one of these days. 3. one of these days. 4. hasn't missed. 5. miss. 6. had missed. 7. to be late for. 8. enjoy. 9. be on. 10. the other day. 11. enjoyed.

Exercise XIII. 037*

1. Neither my sister nor I saw this actress perform as

2. Your son is fond of reading, isn't he?

3. This book is much spoken about and it's rather interesting
but I can't say that it has made a deep impression on me. - Nei-
ther can 1.

4. Hurry up! We can manage to catch the morning train.

5. I wonder, why the Petrovs haven't come yet. - I think, they missed the train.

6. When I was going to work this morning, I saw Ann running to the station. I think, she wanted to catch the 7.30 train.

part one., - _______________

7. We can give you an opportunity to work at.our library... j

8. You are so fond of singing, aren't you? That will be a pity if

you miss the opportunity to study with thfs talented teacher,.

9. Comrade Petrov said that when he had been on business in

France, he hadn't missed the opportunity to speak French.

10. The Petrovs moved to a new flat-the other day. I like It a

lot. The rooms aren't big but they are full of light,

11. You haven't managed to get the tickets for a new play,

have you?,

12. You've read «The History of Italian Art», haven't you?

13. Ann and I had the seats in a box and Peter and Boris In the

stalls. We met each other during an interval.

14. It is your favorite scene, isn't it? t,.:

15. No doubt, the play will be a great success. Nilov is doing it. \ 16. No doubt, you'll make good progress in your English if you

work hard at it. ' ■ '.'•, i.

17. There's a box-office near my house, lean try to get the

tickets for «Otelio» if you haven't booked them beforehand.

18. «Brothers Karamasov- were on in the Art Theatre yester-.

day. I managed to get two tickets for this play but unfortunately I couldn't go and I had to give the tickets to my niece who came from Sevastopol the other day. She liked the play a lot. The old­est actors of the theatre played the leading parts. Their acting made a deep impression on the audience. Every time the curtain dropped, they were greeted with applauds. When the curtain dropped last, all the audience went to the stage applauding the actors and the director.


LESSON TWENTY-FOUR (the twenty-fourth lesson)! '

Exercise II, gfl3S2

1....have looked through them. " '. 2....have seen this actor play. < 3....have finished their work.

4....have booked the seats for the play. • 5....have talked to him. ■ '

Exercise VIII, fil38*

1. away from: 2. in, at. 3. in, in. 4. on, of. 5. of, from 6. out of, up for. 7. —, at. 8. for. 9. to, to, on.

_________________ LESSON TWENTY-FOUR (the twenty-fourth lesson)

Exercise X. §38*

the, a, the, his, a, the, their, the, the, his, the, the, the, the, the, the, the1, the, the, a, the, the, the, the, the.

Exertise XII, g386

. a) 1. This house looks like a palace, doesn't it? 2. What does your friend look like?...3. It looks likerain....

4. You look tired. '

5, I'll look after this myself.

16.. I'll only say that the thing has been lost only after I have
looked for it in every comer. *.'/

b) 1. This is quite a different point of view, isn't it?

2. I don't quite agree with your point of view. You're right
only in one point.

" '3. From my point of view, you have to ring up Ann immedi­ately and ask her to come here. ' 4. The point is that I'll be very busy next week. 5. His strong point is that he reads a lot.

Exercisexiii, g386

1. The sun was setting, it was getting dark and it looked like

rain.; •■ ' _.'\\

•'% I haven't written to my people since i visited them in De­cember. Today I won't go anywhere till I write to them.

3. This year our factory has produced more machines than it

• 4. He told us a lot of interesting things about different coun-
tries. I think, he's traveled a lot..

5. «What other books have you borrowed from your friends? "
the mother asked her son. «How long did they allow you to keep
them? *

6. I'd like you to leam this rule yourself. It's very simple.
7.1 saw the expression on his face change when he heard the


8.1 saw that John was upset and decided not to ask him any questions. A little later he told me himself that his younger son had borrowed quite a big sum of money and didn't want to tell the father what he had done that for.

9. I've heard that your children always obey you. " '" 10". They saw a well-dressed man come up to the policeman and say something to him in a whisper.



LESSON TWENTY-FIVE (the twenty-fifth km»)*

Exercise IV. £ 395.

immediately, successfully, terribly, politely, clearly, happily, wonderfully, angrily, freely, doubtfully, dangerously, willingly, comfortably, hungrily, easily.

Exercise XII, |gl397

1. by. 2. with, in. 3. about, for. 4. aboutr -. 5. up, of, on, on.
6. in at, out. 7. to, to, at. 8. at, of, of. 9. in. 10. to, in, on, -,
for. ! ,

Exercise XIH, gl9*

a* -, -, a, a, the, the, a, the, the, the, -, a, the, the, the, the, a, -, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, a, the.

Exercise XIV, 040»

: ' 1. • : -•'

1. They were both surprised to hear it

2. We both did our best. *. ' • ■

3. Both of them looked worried.

4. This is a good article. The information in it is interesting
and important for the book I am working at now. I am grateful to
both of you that you have got it for me.

2. ••- •

1. Do you need a receipt? -Yes, I'd rather take it.

2. I am afraid, I won't be able to give you this magazine today. \ need it myself.

3. Do you still need the telephone? - No, thank you. I don't need it any more. You may use it.

4. You needn't come here yourself. You can either ring us up or send a note with your younger brother.

5. Shalt \ translate the sentence at once? - No, you needn't. You can think a little.


I- Don't worry about your son/ this/ his health.

2. Don't bother to ring him up/ to remind him about it/ to fill in this form. *

3. Does this noise/ the radio/ the TV set bother you?

4. Why do you look so worried?

5. He's worried because he hasn't received any letters from his people. ■

_____________ LESSON TWFNTY-FfVE (the twenty-frith lesson)

Exercise XVII.

1. I've heard that the examiners liked your answer a lot.

2. The child was very pleased with the birthday present.

3. Shall I send off the letter? - No, thank you. The brother

said that he would do it himself.

4. Maybe I'll manage to ring you up during the dinner


5. The parcel was sent off yesterday, I think, it'll be received

in two or three days.

6. We always get a lot of mail on Monday.

7. I've never seen such a stamp. This is a very old stamp,

isn't it?

8. You've got some small change about you, haven't you? Please give me three copecks, I haven't got any small change about me I'd like to buy a fresh newspaper,

9. Nothing happened to your son. 1 saw him go out of the post-office with his friend. I think they dropped in there for

some new stamps.

10. He needn't huriy. J'd like! him to read this artide two or

three times before he starts translating it. lam afraid, it wRl be difficult for him to understand it if he doesn't do it.

11. You'd better make the child pick up his toy himself.

12. We saw this play twice and every time ft made a deep im-
pression on both of us.

13. Unfortunately, TO have to trouble you once more, I'd

like you to read this article.

14. Yesterday I dropped in at the box-office of the Botehoy
Theatre to buy the tickets for a new performance, 1 needed two
tickets but \ was said that all the tickets had been already sold
long ago.

15. Can you tell me where the parcels are taken in?

16.1 need a stamp. I must send this letter immediately and I've failed to drop in at the post-office today. Could you give me a stamp?

17. I'd rather take the parcel to the post-office today.

18. No one could walk as fast as Peter and soon he was in

front of all the students.

19. He'll get extra pay for his work.


REVISION EXERCISES Exercise I. 0404 1. I've had an ache in my right side for a long time, I'll have to see a doctor. 2. You won't have to go to town if something unexpec happens: there's a very good hospital in our village. 3. You'd better add some salt in your soup or you won't able to eat it. ' - 4. There's a shop opposite our house, you can buy anything you need there. 5. There was an expression of joy in her eyes when she heard her daughter sing. 6. The lecture will be very interesting and I am sorry that you won't be able to listen to it. < 7. Why do you have to get up so early? - Because it takes me an hour and a half to get to the Ministry. ' 1 8. I've got a terrible headache and I'd rather go home. - Do you often have headaches? - No, I can't say so. 9. There has been so much work in the office recently that couldn't even ring up my friends let alone come and see them. -Did you have to work in the evening? - Yes, sometimes till 9.   10. Last year I had enough time to go to the theatre, I didn' have to look after my sister's children. 11. Have you got any stamps at your place? - Yes, we've got some, I think you needn't go to the post-office. 12. I've got a motorcycle but I've never had a car. I think, i a few years I'll be able to buy a car. Extrtise I, g405 1. We spent our last week-end in the country. - Did you alone or did you take your son with you? — We were with our s One of our friends took us there In his car. | 2. I'll ask him myself if he needs the magazine tomorrow not. ' ' 3. Looking in the mirror he didn't recognize himself. 4. We'll tell them this news ourselves. 5. Either you or Ivanov will have to go to the post-office a get the registered letter. \ 6.1 liked neither the party nor the club. 7. All the students of our group are having good progress, always help each other.

«You want me to introduce you to my wife but you haven't introduced me to yours, ** he said smiling.

9. My daughter said that neither she nor her friends liked the film.: /-

10. I've left my pen at home today, can you lend me yours?
You don't need it at the moment, do you? ; ( "

Exercise II. gj|40t

1. Do you think this is a less interesting story than the one we read last week?

2. It wasn't raining during the last few days. t.. 3.1$.looks like rain. I think, we won't go anywhere.

4. How many years is your elder sister younger than me? <

5. Have I really made as many mistakes in the dictation today
as I did last?. ': V -


LESSON TWENTY-SIX (the twenty-sixth lesson)

Exerdse X, gJ416

1. from, by. 2. for, of, of, at. 3. about. 4. to, on. 5. in, to, about, in. 6. in, to. 7. with, to/about. 8. -, for, out of. 9. in, to. 10. into, by. 11. to. 12. of.

Exercise Mil. gf)417

A. 1. to lift. 2. raise. 3. picked up. 4. take better care of. 5. the crew. 6. team. 7. contest. 8. tournament. 9. champion­ship. 10. holding-11. keep.

, B. 1. worry, either. 2. at all. 3. hardly. 4. hard, hardly. 5. some day. 6. the other day, one of these days. 7. say, tell, either. 8. to talk to, told. 9. more. 10. else, quite. 11. other. 12. yet, still. 13. yet. 14. already. 15. another.

Exercise XIV. £ j418

his, a, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, -,
the, the, the, his, the, the, the, the, the, the, an, the, the,
the, the, the, the, the, the, the, a, an, the, their, the, the, the,

Exercise XVI, 0419


1. The books by Dickens have been published many times both in England and in many other parts of the world. • 2. It's rather strange that you don't go in for sports. Most of the young people of your age play football or volleyball.

.!! • 1 can't believe you tave been out of practice for long. You speak French very well*

4.1 couldn't remember whom I had lent the money.

5. Someone's knocking downstairs. Please 40 and open the

door. ' /. •

6. During winter holidays all the skating-rinks are full of

schoolchildren, skating is their favorite sport.

7. I'd like you to pay attention to this rule.

8. The Lenin stadium is the biggest one in our country.

9.1 didn't expect you to be a football fan I thought you didn't like football. - I didn't expect myself that the matctvwould make such an impression on me.

• 10.1 am glad, you have raised this question. I think, we'll be able to help you if you need our help.

11. The match between these two teams ended in a draw last year.

12. Yesterday I didn't go to the stadium. — Nor did I. Please ask your friend about the score. He may know.

B. -

My friend Victor and I like to have a rest together. We are both fond of sports. In winter we ski and skate, in summer we often go to the stadium. I play tennis and he swims. Victor is a very good swimmer.

On a Sunday Victor and I decided to go to the river. We star­ted off early in the morning but It was rather warm already. As soon as we got to the place, Victor ran to swim and I lay under a tree and started reading. The book was interesting and I quite forgot about Victor. When I looked at the watch 1 was surprised to see that it was nearly two. -Victor! " I cried out but there was no reply. At first i thought he was reading somewhere and didn't hear me calling. I called him once more then I got up and looked round. Victor was nowhere to be seen. -He's drowned, - I: thought and ran for a life-boat at once. Several people began to: dive. I was very upset and although I swim rather badly I was? going to dive with them. At that moment Victor's head appeared two meters from me. -What are you doing here? - I cried unable to believe my eyes. -Helping look for a drowned man, - he back. I didn't know if I should cry or laugh. -Look! They're look* ing for you! - -1 cried as loudly as I could as I saw he was

to dive again. Then Victor told me that he had gone to sleep on the opposite bank and when he had woken up it had been already two. He heard the worried voices on the river and understood that someone had drowned. He started to dive too.


Exercise I. gj*2*

1. What are you doing here? - I am waiting for a friend. He said that he would come here at seven.

2. Are you translating these articles? - Now I am looking through them but I am going to translate some of them. I've read them very attentively and I liked them.

3. How many cars have been produced by the factory since the beginning of the year?

4. He's a very talented actor but I haven't seen him on the stage for a long time. Has anything happened to him? - No, I've heard he's traveling about the Far East.

5. For how long have you been here? - I've been here since June and I am going to stay here till September.

6. Did you manage to thlk to Peter yesterday? - No, I saw him in the institute but he was speaking to professor fvanov and I myself was busy later.

7. All these paintings had been painted by the young painter before he moved to our city.

8. I've just heard a piece of interesting news. Next week a group of famous French actors is arriving in Leningrad.

9. How did you manage to get the tickets for this perform­ance? -1 booked them in our local box-office beforehand.

Exercise tt, gpttS •

1. Every year more and more buildings are buHt in our capital.

2. This question will be discussed again as soon as they come back from Leningrad.

3. This letter must be sent immediately. If you don't do this

today, they won't get it tomorrow. 4.1 don't like to be laughed at.

5. What was said to this question at the meeting?

6. We were told a very interesting incident from this doctor's
life. •. -

7. I was invited to go to Karelia in the summer.

8. I was asked when fresh newspapers would be brought;

9. He was asked when the morning post was usually brought.

10. Were you told to send a registered letter?.
. 11. The news was expected any moment.

i2. The last book by this young writer is much talked about.

Exercise I. jp425 v

1. All the students'learning English can take part in the Eng-
lish entertainment.. \

2.1 came up to a man sitting by the window and asked him if he minded my opening the window. •

3. Looking through the new magazines sent to me by a friend
of mine I found several articles on the subject that interested me.

4. Reading books he learnt a lot of interesting things.

5. Being very busy he couldn't visit his friends.


6. He stood silently looking at the envelope that had just been brought by the postman trying to remember whose hand­writing it was. ■ : ; ■.'" -; '

7. The boy was so tired that he went to sleep sitting at the table.

8. The old man was sitting on the bench watching with inter­est the children playing round him..

.9.) advise you to read the book written by a famous actress. There she describes her life and the parts she played.

., 10. Being very tired he said that he wouldn't be able to look through the articles translated by us that day. • 11. We spent a lot of time on the bank of the river sunbathing and playing volleyball.

12. I'd like to listen to them sing old Russian songs. ■ 13. Knowing nothing of the danger the soldiers continued leading their way through the forest.. •

Exercise II, fi)«6

.1. Children, stop shouting I have a bad headache.

2. He started filling in the telegram form when he
remembered that he had forgotten the number of the home.

: 3. Please lend me your book for a fewdays. i

4. Do you mind if we talk in a whisper, I am afraid, we can
wake up the child or let's go to another room, shall we?

5. I want you to stop worrying. Everything will be all right.

6. Let your son go on collecting stamps. It's very useful. *


7. Must I finish translating this article today?.•

8. Shall we go on reading this story?. ;!

9. Go on writing, please. ^ •


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