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Attracting foreign investors


Scan the two following articles from breaking news and give your own appreciation of Kazakhstan’s economy.

Article 1 EU countries - major investors in Kazakhstan’s economy

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Over 9 years the countries of the European Union have invested in Kazakhstan $95 billion, this has been announced today at a briefing themed " The implementation of the investment policy as part of industrialization".

" At present Kazakhstan has implemented about 130 investment projects worth $ 21 billion in the mining industry, " said the deputy chairman of the Board of " National Agency for Export and Investment " KAZNEX INVEST" JSC Assel Yergaziyeva.

She stressed that the EU countries are the major investors in Kazakhstan.

During the period from 2005 to the 1st half of 2014 the EU invested in Kazakhstan $95 billion, the United States and China have invested $19 and 11.8 billion, respectively.

According to her, more than 50 of the largest companies in the world are represented in Kazakhstan. At the same time the National Agency for Export and Investment is actively pursuing systematic work to attract investment in Kazakhstan.

Tags: Kazakhstan and EU, Economy, Investment projects


Article 2 Al Hilal Bank welcomes Governor of Kazakhstan's Central Bank to Abu Dhabi


ASTANA. November 9, 2014, 10: 20 (04: 20 GMT). BNews.kz zawya.com

Al Hilal Bank, the progressive Islamic bank, recently received Kairat Kelimbetov, the Governor of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan's Central Bank, at its headquarters in Abu Dhabi. Both parties discussed the key role of Al Hilal Bank as the first and only Islamic bank operating in Kazakhstan.

The meeting was held prior to the banks' participation in the 10th World Islamic Economic Forum in Dubai. Mohamed Jamil Berro, Al Hilal Bank 's Group CEO, personally welcomed Governor Kelimbetov in the presence of Al Hilal Chairman H.E. Ahmed Ateeq Al Mazrouei and briefed the guest on the innovative Islamic products offered by Al Hilal. Kelimbetov in turn commended Al Hilal Bank for its pioneering role in the growth and rising popularity of Islamic banking and finance in Kazakhstan.

The UAE and Kazakhstan continue to strengthen their financial and economic ties. Just recently, the Central Bank of the UAE signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Bank of Kazakhstan on cooperation in, and exchange of, regulatory information.

Kelimbetov noted the role of Al Hilal Bank 's activities in the development of Islamic finance in Kazakhstan, thanked Mr. Berro for an excellent brief on Al Hilal's pioneering products and its unique progressive vision for Islamic banking in our country and added that the National Bank of Kazakhstan will continue to support development of Islamic finance in Kazakhstan.

" Kazakhstan is key market for Al Hilal Bank 's overseas expansion plans. We appreciate the National Bank of Kazakhstan's support in our efforts to deliver our unique brand of Islamic banking to the country as we continue to raise global awareness on the strengths and economic impact of our sector. We thank Governor Kelimbetov for visiting us." added H.E. Al Mazrouei.


International investments can be included in an investment portfolio to provide diversification and growth opportunities. All types of investments involve risk, and international investing may present special risks, including:

-Fluctuations in currency exchange rates

-Changes in market value

-Significant political, economic and social events

-Low liquidity

-Less access to important information

-Foreign legal remedies

-Varying market operations and procedures


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