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You think the mass media are the most important institution in a country. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their things aren't so important. Also, tell the others which is the least important of these (and why): the police, the courts or political parties are.


Part 4


Write the news!

The News

The News Needs You!

In a strange event all the world’s journalist and reporters have disappeared and the

world is sitting down, preparing to switch on the evening news. Can you step in?

If you are up for the challenge you must present and organise the evening news. The

programme is a five-minute presentation. You must present the headlines, weather and

sport. Involve as many people as possible such as on-the-scene reporters and witnesses.

Pick two from the following headlines and develop them into newsworthy pieces:

News Headlines:

Local Politician arrested for Fraud

Government announce huge tax cuts

NASA discover life on Mars

Local Actor wins an Oscar

Tragic accident on motorway claims many victims

Mortgage interest rates to rise next month

Education report shows children are getting smarter/dumber

Sports Headlines:

Local team wins national championship

Hero to retire

Local teams fails to win important tie

National Athlete leads the way

Famous sport star fails drug test

Country to host world event


You predict the weather for your country/region/area

Are you ready? Don’t be nervous; just remember that the entire world is watching! So,

Lights, cameras, action!



Part 1


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Recent research has shown that media like Internet and TV have a greater influence over people’s lives than politicians.

Which do you consider to be the greater influence?


Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 300 words.

Part 2

Look at the News Website Homepages of CBS, CNN, ABC, PBS, NBC, and FOX, all from the same date and record factual information about the pages by using the Homepage Analysis Sheet. Begin by modeling an analysis of one of the sites.

  • What kinds of facts or messages do each of these pages emphasize the most?
  • How would the messages change if the editors had chosen different graphics, lead stories, or even headlines?
  • What are the editors choosing not to emphasize?
  • What emotional impact do you think these pages are meant to convey?
  • How are these pages tapping into, strengthening, or weakening feelings you already have about the events?
  • How are the editors and designers of the pages using graphics and color to convey messages?

For this assignment you will convey a particular tone as you deliver news stories. You should use the following elements to convey this tone:

  • Language in headlines
  • Language in pull quotes
  • Language in stories
  • Page layout
  • Graphics and background colors
  • Photographs

You should begin by selecting 4 different news stories from either newspapers or Web sites from the same day. Then determine the tone you will use. Rewrite the story leads so that it conforms to your chosen tone.

(https://www.thirteen.org/edonline/lessons/media/b.html? print)

Part 3

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