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Minimal pairs 2

The consonant sound /ŋ /.

1. Listen to the sound / ŋ /. Look at the mouth diagram to see how to make this consonant sound.To make the target sound, touch the back of the roof of your mouth with the back of your tongue. Use your voice, thatcomesthrough your nose. Listen and repeat: /ŋ /.

Spelling: /ŋ / -ng (sing), -ing (writing), -nk=/ŋ k / ink

2. Practice the voiced sound /ŋ / in such contrasts:

Minimal pairs 1

Minimal pairs 2

I. Read these examples of the sound / ŋ /.

bring Angle Monkey Ringed
Coming Donkey Ringing Longed
Going Blanket Singing Winked
Long Kingdom Singer Bunks
morning language thinker Tongue

II. Read the sound / ŋ / in the words below and compare it with the words on each side.

  /ŋ /  
ban bang Bank
ran rang Rank
win wing wink
sin sing Sink
tan tang Tank
thin thing think

III. Read the following phrases:

Writing and reading, sitting and smoking, knitting and thinking, sleeping and dreaming, laughing and crying, losing and finding, doing but not saying, something interesting is happening.

IV. Read the following sentences. Mind the right articulation of the sound / ŋ /.

1. Nothing’s wrong!

2. The spring brings many charming things.

3. Something stung my finger.

4. Bring me the ink and the longest pen.

5. They sang for the king every morning.

6. She is going to bring me a monkey.

7. Birds’ wings must be strong for flying.

8. Frank went walking along Long Island.

9. Playing ping-pong makes me hungry.

10. The lungs are essential in breathing, speaking and singing.

V. Practise the conversation:

A: We’re feeling angry.

B: We’re feeling anxious.

A: We didn’t sleep last night. The gate was banging all night.

B: And the children from next door kept ringing the doorbell and running away.

A: And the telephone kept ringing.

B: And when we answer it, it’s the wrong number.

A: And now the television has gone wrong.

B: That’s why we are feeling angry.

A: And anxious.

Fill in the questionnaire from a magazine. Then ask two other people and fill in their answers:

Which of these things make you anxious? you partner 1 partner 2
1. Answering the phone 2. Getting a wrong number 3. Getting up late in the morning and realizing that you overslept 4. Not knowing the time 5. Speaking English with foreigners 6. Coming home alone 7. Having not enough money when paying for something 8. Watching news/a football match on TV/a TV series      


The consonant sound /r/.

I. Listen to the sound / r /. To make the target sound /r/, turn the tip of your tongue up as in the picture. Do not touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue. The sides of your tongue should touch your top back teeth. Listen and repeat: /r/.

Spelling: /r/ r (red), wr(wrong)

II. Practice the voiced sound /ŋ / in such contrast:

III. Read these examples of the sound / r /.

rabbit road already wrong
race wrap around foreign
ready wren parrot restaurant
round wreck married for ever
room rail grown-up traffic

IV. Read the sound / r / in the words below and compare it with the words on each side.

lead read lead
low row low
late rate late
flight fright flight
plays praise plays

V. Read the following phrases:

On the rag rug, in her red dress, on the right track, to her proud friend, with some fresh fruit, right and wrong, through and through, round and round, risk for Robin, as right as rain, to read a rhyme.

VI. Read the following sentences. Mind the right articulation of the sound / r /.

1. Very true!

2. Rather curious.

3. It’s rather strange, yet true.

4. We gathered ripe red raspberries along the river road.

5. A foreign accent is a very great drawback.

6. The three cars will probably drive across the Brooklyn Bridge.

7. Those red roses are really very pretty.

8. The real reason is really rather curious.

9. Harris rarely reads literary reviews.

10. Frieda prefers to practice her drills in pronunciation.

VII. Read the following tongue twisters as fast as you can:

· Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery.

· When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write.

· A right-handed fellow named Wright,
In writing " write" always wrote " rite"
Where he meant to write right.
If he'd written " write" right,
Wright would not have wrought rot writing " rite"

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