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Policy of double standards in international relations

Nowadays, when the situation in the world is really specific, subjects of international law are interested in using the policy of double standards. Perhaps, the reason for this policy is a “stress” between grandees in world. The policy of double standards is not defined only in this century. There are many examples in history: agreement between German Reich and Soviet Union in 1939 called as “Molotov – Ribbentrop’s non-aggression Pact”. According to the pact, Hitler and Stalin will divide the Europe. Soviet Union will take the East part, whereas German’s Reich or Third Reich takes West part of Europe. Everyone knows, what happened later.

Policy of double standards is a situation, when the estimation of the same actions of different subjects varies depending on each of these subjects` relations with the estimator. In the sphere of international relations this policy usually takes the form of charge of unwanted in violation of principles, conventions, obligations, " violation of universal values", " violation of human rights", " deviation of international rules". At the same time absolutely similar one`s own actions or actions of allies are demonstratively ignored. One of the way of using double standards is calling the same actions, objects and facts by different names. For example: spy – scout (depends on whom he works on); intervention – military aid and etc. In the modern international law, in the modern world, the problem of using double standards is more than just important. Because after “Cold war”, the rules and principles of international law understood by states as they please. There are no any punishments for using double standards, but international community condemns for this policy.

Everyone knows, that it will be hard to find a way to punish the subjects of international law for using the double standards policy. But most of them (subjects of IL) understand, that double standards shouldn’t be used. Now, when the situation in the world is hard and when armed conflicts take place, double standards are in wide use. So, how long is it going to be?


1. Article of «Youth Research Group» on policy of double standards https://nbenegroup.com/standards/standards_en.html

2. «Актуальные проблемы современного международного права» Российский Университет Дружбы Народов, Москва 2012

3. WikiLeaks: The revelations that changed the world, 2013

4. Foreign policy aspects of the war against Terrorism, London 2005



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