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Практика. V. Приведите в соответствие слова и их перевод. assume действие approach утверждать suggestion цель task задача

V. Приведите в соответствие слова и их перевод.

assume действие
approach утверждать
suggestion цель
task задача
maintain рассматривать
consider допускать
purpose предположение
action подход

VI. Приведите в соответствие выражения и их перевод

make mention of принимать во внимание
take account of воспользоваться
call attention to обращать (чье-либо) внимание на
make use of использовать
take notice of упоминать о
take advantage of замечать
make attempt уделять внимание кому-то (чему-то)
pay attention to делать попытку



VII. Сопоставьте каждое слово из левой колонки с его сино­нимом из правой колонки.

aim technique
manner sum up
method objective
summarize tendency
------- reveal way
trend show
demonstrate find

VIII. Приведите в соответствие слова из левой колонки с их толкованием из правой колонки.

Accurate (adj) truthful or supported by facts and statistics
Adequate (adj) free from errors
Valid (adj) enough; sufficient
Analyze (v) study in all parts
Issue (n) a short piece of writing that summarizes the main point of it
Transition (n) a matter of dispute or a difference
Abstract (n) information that is capable of being learned
Knowledge (n) smooth connection of ideas

IX. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. This statement was followed by a long discussion concerning the meaning and application of the theory. 2. Mention was made of the new achievements in this field. 3. An attempt was made to review the vast amount of new facts obtained in this field. 4. This method allows the data to be easily obtained. 5. The method was proved to be of considerable commercial value. 6. Our conclusions were supported by new evidence furnished by other investigators. 7. The scheme insisted upon proved to be satisfactory. 8. Much attention was paid to the data reported. 9. The object of investigations is to understand the way these changes are brought about. 10. Mentioning some unsolved problems, a certain amount of work has to be done upon the development of the theory. 11. We should summarize the information available on this subject. 12. The solution to this problem might probably be found in this

work. 13. Proof of the correctness of this interpretation would seem to, call for some modification of our notions. 14. The suggestion does not seem to have justified itself in practice.

X. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Чтение оригинальной литературы необходимо для получе­ния новейшей информации. 2. Аннотация и реферат позволяют существенно сократить время специалистов. 3. Реферат — это крат­кое резюме каких-либо материалов в письменном виде. 4. Его можно рассматривать как сокращенную версию оригинала.

5. Объем реферата составляет от 1/6 до 1/10 объема оригинала.

6. Начинайте писать реферат только прочитав оригинал. 7. Избе­гайте излишних рассуждений и деталей. 8. Аннотация еще коро­че, чем реферат. 9. Она знакомит читателя лишь с основным со­держанием книги или статьи. 10. Выучите на память типичные фразы, с которых начинается аннотация или реферат.


XI. Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единствен­
но правильный.

1.... people in my hostel are friendly.

A. few

B. a few

C. little

D. a little

2. The more you practice speaking English,... you will do it.

A. the good

B. the well
С the gooder
D. the better

3. It is difficult....

A. to distinguish among a frog and a toad

B. distinguish among a frog and a toad

C. to distinguish between a frog and a toad

D. distinguish between a frog and a toad

4. The lecture was both interesting....

A. instructive also

B. as well as instructive

C. and instructive



D. instructive as well

5. Jobs at fast- food restaurants … McDonald's are filled by students

A. such

B. such as
С as

D. so as

6. I will vote for... the membership supports.

A. who

B. whom

C. whomever

D. who ever

7. We have only... homework for Friday.

A. little

B. a little

C. few

D. a few

8. The students listened... to the lecturer.

A. with attention

B. attentive

C. in an attentive way

D. attentively

9. We asked Jim if he...us.

A. help

B. will help
С would help

D. will be helping

10. The staff... in the conference room.

A. is meeting

B. are meeting

C. meeting

D. have met

11.----------------------------------- David had always behaved

A. in a responsible way

B. in a responsible manner

C. responsibly

D. responsible

12. Julia has…ting for her boss for an hour.
A sit

B. sat

С set

D. seated

13… the weather forecast, we will have very pleasant weather tomorrow.

A. According

B. According to

C. According with

D. According of
14. Sam made a lot of friends... in the cafeteria.

A. worked

B. by worked

C. to working

D. by working

15.1 have to write two... this week.

A. hundred-word articles

B. hundred-words articles

C. hundreds-word articles

D. hundred-word's articles

16. Mary's desk was always disorganized with books and papers.

A. decorated

B. full of

C. cluttered

D. sorted

17. Mail service will be suspended during the postal workers' strike.

A. inspected

B. delayed

C. uninterrupted

D. curtailed

18. A good student does not need to be warned for being absent too much.

A. admonished

B. punished

C. belittled

D. spanked

19. Susan reported to the committee on routine operational matters.

A. small

B. usual

C. extraordinary

D. different

20. Microprocessors, unlike computers, are programmed to complete
defined tasks.

A. specific

B. arduous

C. several

D. similar.

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