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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Focus on language. 1. Practice the pronunciation of these words

Study help It is important that you are able to distinguish between the terms (e.g. organism) and general science words (e.g. experiment). Make sure you note down such words in your notebook throughout your course. Keep it up to date.


1. Practice the pronunciation of these words. Which of them are terms and which are general science words? Translate them into your native language.

nucleus/nuclei ['nju: kliə s / 'nju: kliai]
cell [sel]
concept ['konsept]
microscope ['maɪ krə skə υ p]
behaviour [bɪ 'heɪ vjə (r)]
embryo ['embriə υ ]
mechanism ['mekǝ nɪ zǝ m]
molecule ['mɔ lɪ kju: l]


2. Read the sentence and translate the phrases in bold into your native language.

It is vital that educated people understand the contributions that biological sciences have made and will continue to make for the future welfare of human beings.

Noun Phrases Study the diagram describing the components of a noun phrases. innovative technology – technology that is new and different (adjective) living organisms organisms that are alive//live (participle) professor’s lectures – lectures given by the professor (genitive) cell biology – biology that studies cells (noun)


3. Look back in the text. Write out the noun phrases that follow the models in the box. Translate the noun phrases into your native language.

Example: embryonic development – развитие эмбриона.эмбриональное развитие



Work in teams. Match the field of biology with the areas

of its application. Check as a class. Follow one of the models.


· Astrobiology serves/tries to understand biological, planetary and cosmic phenomena.

· Astrobiology deals with understanding biological, planetary and cosmic phenomena.

· Astrobiology studies/explores biological, planetary and cosmic phenomena.


NB! Each area of application can sometimes deal with more than one field of biology.

Fields of Biology Areas of application
1) astrobiology a) to understand the behaviour of more than one individual
2) ethology b) to study how animals communicate
3) histology c) to study microbes and viruses
4) cytology d) to protect people from various diseases
5) zoology e) to grow disease-resistant crops
6) botany f) to forecast possibility of hereditary illnesses
7) microbiology g) to observe environmental changes
8) ecology h) to solve crimes
9) evolutionary biology i) to understand how organ systems function and interact
10) genetics j) to learn how life begins and evolves
11) neuroscience k) to see how hereditary works
12) anatomy l) to study disorders of the nervous system
13) developmental biology m) to understand biological, planetary and cosmic phenomena
14) molecular biology n) to study the ability of some plants to absorb contaminants found in their environments
  o) to predict the future of life on Earth and beyond
  p) to study how the human brain function



Make use of the models in the Study Help box to write 6-8 sentences of your own about your favourite branches of biology and their application. Read out your sentences to the class.

Study help: Paraphrasing We can use various speech patterns when we need to speak about similar things but do not want to be repetitive.   · Without ecology observation of environmental changes would be impossible. (noun) · Ecology makes it possible to observe environmental changes on the Earth. (verb) · The knowledge of ecology is required for observing environmental changes. (gerund)



1. Before you listen to Sophie Forrest talking about the biology course she has done at the University of Birmingham, answer these questions.

· What’s it like being a student in biology?

· Is it different from being a student in any other field of science? Why? / Why not?

2. Sophie has done a course in Biological Sciences for a Bachelor’s Degree. In which of the subject areas would she study the topics that follow?

Subject areas Topics
1) Molecular Biology a) The origin of species
  b) Infection and immunity
2) Genes and Genomes c) Effect of pollution on plant health
  d) Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment
3) Evolution e) Hypothesis testing
  f) Membrane transport
4) Environmental Physiology g) The periodic table
  h) Antibiotics and Resistance
5) Research methods i) Cellular dynamics
  6) Microbes and Man j) Experimental design and data analysis k) Drought resistance and GM
  l) Nature of biological variation
  7) Cell Biology m) DNA structure and replication n) Radioactivity


3. Listen and answer these questions.

a) Which of the subjects listed in task 2 does Sophie mention?

b) Which additional subjects does she study?

c) Why electives in modern languages are popular with students of biology?

d) What are the requirements for all BSc students in their final year at university?

e) Why is it convenient for students to have a common first year in all of the biology courses?


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