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Choose the right variant a, b , c or d. 1. Manila sits on an archipelago just at the edge of the

1. Manila sits on an archipelago just at the edge of the ……. continent, some 14° 35' N, 121º 00 E'.

a) Asian

b) American

c) Australian

d) African

2. Ever so physically endowed, ……. is sitting in the throes of two notoriously dangerous volcanoes - Pinatubo and Taal.

a) Wellington

b) Canberra

c) Manila

d) Delhi

3. What more, Manila lies in the path of the tropical monsoon bringing those more and more powerful ……. during the second half of the year.

a) tornadoes

b) earthquakes

c) typhoons

d) floods

4. As we now see it, Manila is more modern and western judging from the steel and glass …….. dotting the skyline.

a) cottages

b) churches


d) huts

5. ……. began as a settlement on the banks of the Pasig River, and its name originated from " Maynilad, " referring to the mangrove plant known as Nilad, which was abundant in the area.

a) Madrid

b) Canberra

c) Manila

d) Delhi

6. Prior to the arrival of the ……. in the 16th century, Manila had been home to Muslim-Malays, who descended from the Arabs, Indians, East Asians and other Southeast Asians.

a) Romans

b) Celts

c) Spanish

d) Germans

7. Manila was colonized by the Spaniard Miguel Lopez de Legazpi in 1571. Its broad sweep of ……. made it more attractive than Cebu, which had been the capital.

a) natural resources

b) coal mines

c) fertile lands

d) springs

8. Manila was given the moniker of the " …….. of the Orient, " as a result of its central location in the vital Pacific sea trade routes.

a) Rose

b) Diamond

c) Pearl

d) Jewel

9. From the late 19th century onwards, Manila has been called the ……. of Asia.

a) Rome

b) Athens

c) Paris

d) Tokyo

10. Present-day Metro ……. is a conglomeration of 17 cities and municipalities unified by Marcos' decree in 1976.

a) Wellington

b) Canberra

c) Manila

d) Delhi

11. ……. is the most densely populated city in the world.

a) Washington

b) New York

c) Manila

d) Mexico

12. Listed as a global city, ……. has its strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transport making it the historical, cultural, political, economic and educational center of the Philippines.

a) Wellington

b) Canberra

c) Manila

d) Delhi

13. As the cultural center of the Philippines, ……. houses a number of notable museums.

a) Wellington

b) Canberra

c) Manila

d) Delhi

14. Bahay Tsinoy, one of Manila's most prominent museums, documents the ……. lives and contributions to the history of the Philippines.

a) Japanese

b) American

c) British

d) Chinese

15. The flagpole west of the Rizal Monument is the …….. Zero marker for distances to the rest of the country.

a) Meter

b) Inch

c) Kilometer

d) Centimeter

16. Taal ……. is located about 60 km (about 37 miles) south of Metro Manila. Last major eruption was reported back in 1965 that affected villages in the surrounding area.

a) Spring

b) Mountain

c) Cliff

d) Volcano

17. It should be noted that Filipino ……. are among the most maniacal on the face of the earth, although the number of accidents is surprisingly low.

a) clerks

b) waiters

c) porters

d) bus drivers

18. The " Chinatown" district in Manila became the center of commerce during the ……. occupation.

a) British

b) German

c) American

d) Spanish

19. Binondo was created by Spanish Governor Luis Pé rez Dasmariñ as on 1584 for a settlement for the Chinese Immigrants (called Sangleys), with the intentions of converting the ……. to Catholicism at the initiative of the Spanish Dominican Fathers.

a) Asians

b) Japanese

c) Chinese

d) Spanish

20. The Philippines are one of the countries with the most available ……. machines per capita.

a) IP

b) ATM

c) PIC

d) WPT

21. ……. is one of the things tourists love about the Philippines.

a) Shoplifting

b) Pickpocketing

c) Shopping

d) Robbery

22. Three of the biggest shopping malls in the world, SM Mall of Asia, SM Megamall, SM City North EDSA are all located in ……., Philippines.

a) Manila

b) Canberra

c) Wellington

d) London

23. Tagalog are long shirts made of very light-weight, semi translucent material, often with arts and decorations and are worn by both men and women on most special ……. and formal occasions.

a) Filipino

b) African

c) European

d) Escimo

24. Manila is a national hub of ……. and has almost all the regions of the Philippines represented - either in exclusively regional eateries or featured with other cuisines.

a) regional sports

b) regional dancing

c) regional cooking

d) regional baking

25. Manila is the capital city of the ………. It is one of the sixteen cities (along with the municipality of ……. that comprise the national capital region of Metro Manila.

a) New Zealand

b) Australia

c) Philippines

d) Pateros

26. The City of Manila is located on the eastern shore of Manila Bay and is bordered by the cities of Navotas and Caloocan to the north, Quezon City - to the northeast, San Juan and Mandaluyong - to the east, ……. - to the southeast, and ……. to the south.

a) Makati

b) Takati

c) Pasay

d) Fasay

27. Ever so physically endowed, ……. is sitting in the throes of two notoriously dangerous ……. - Pinatubo to the north, which made headlines in 1991 when it spewed dust all over the world and dropped global temperature by 2°, and Taal to the south which always makes headlines every decade or so, while this city straddles the Pacific Rim of Fire underneath.

a) Manila

b) Wellington

c) springs

d) volcanoes

28. ……. is fringed to the south by the idyllic Lake Bai - a veritable scenic showcase of Hispanized ……., and farther south by cool and refreshing Lake Taal.

a) Manila

b) Wellington

c) native folk and traditional culture

d) natural resources

29. …….was invaded by Brunei's Sultan Bolkiahand and was already Islamized by the 15th century when …….explorers first arrived.

a) Canberra

b) Manila

c) the Spanish

d) the Roman

30. For over three centuries Manila had been colonized and administered by …….which left an enduring architectural heritage throughout the ……., especially with respect to churches, forts and other colonial buildings which can still be seen in the ruins of Intramuros.

a) Spain

b) Britain

c) New Zealand

d) Philippines

31. Manila eventually became the center of Spanish activity in the Far East and one end of the Manila-Acapulco Galleon trade route linking ……. and ……...

a) Latin America

b) Australia

c) Asia

d) New Zealand

32. Manila also saw the rise of the ……. Revolution which was followed by the arrival of the ……. who made contributions to the city's urban planning and development.

a) Chinese

b) Philippine

c) Japanese

d) Americans

33. Intramuros and the surrounding districts were busy with ……. and …… and the streets were lined with grand structures, many reflecting the best of Art Deco design.

a) sports

b) business

c) entertainment

d) shopping

34. The month-long Battle for Manila between the ……. and the ……. resulted in the town's destruction, with over 150, 000 locals killed (by comparison, the atomic attack on Hiroshima killed about 140, 000).

a) Japanese

b) Chinese

c) English

d) Americans

35. Manila is a truly teeming metropolis that gets bigger each day, both in population, with people pouring in from the hinterlands, and size, as new developments in all directions swallow up ……. and ……..

a) cities

b) villages

c) rice fields

d) orchards

36. Rizal park is a crescent-shaped 58 hectares (140 acres) park that lies within the heart of ……. cultural and business district, as an honor and dedication to the country's national ……. José Rizal, who was executed in the same place where the park was created by the Spaniards on charges of subversion.

a) Wellington’s

b) Manila’s

c) writer

d) hero

37. The collection of gold jewelry of the Ayala Museum from pre and during Spanish times (over 400 years old) pars with any ……., ……., and …….. museum display of old gold jewelry.

a) Asian

b) European

c) American

d) Columbian

38. Some geologists theorize that Corregidor was once part of a huge volcano that erupted on one side and gradually eroded to become partly invisible beneath the sea. It is called " ……. " because it served as the major bastion of Philippine's Allies during ……..

a) The Cliff

b) The Rock

c) World War II

d) World War I

39. Getting out of Manila by bus is harder than you might expect, as there is no central ……. and no central source of ……….

a) van terminal

b) bus terminal

c) capital

d) information

40. The myriad of private operators have their own terminals scattered around the city. Most are close to EDSA (Manila's ring road), which connects the highways going ……. and ……. of the capital.

a) north

b) east

c) south

d) west

41. The ramshackle ……. National Railways (361 1125) has its main ……. station just north of Binondo at Tayuman St and Dagupan.

a) Philippine

b) Australian

c) Manila

d) Canberra

42. Schedules in ……. are nonexistent and are more a matter of the overworked and underfunded ……. trying to get enough cars working to form a train.

a) Manila

b) Canberra

c) staff

d) managers

43. The port of Manila is divided into two sections, …….and ……..

a) South Harbor

b) West Harbor

c) East Harbor

d) North Harbor

44. Unfortunately the Ninoy Aquino International Airport is divided into four terminals - Terminals 1, 2 and 3 and the Manila Domestic Airport - without easy connections between them and the only way of hopping around terminals is through ……. and ……..

a) buses

b) vans

c) taxis

d) jeepneys

45. Many of Binondo's commercial establishments were destroyed after ……., with companies moving to ……., one of the financial capitals of the Philippines.

a) World War I

b) World War II

c) Makati

d) Manila

46. A part of the Philippine's bustling capital is a remarkable melting pot of ……., …….and ……. cultures, which are thick with history and flavor in tune with most traveler's interests.

a) Asian

b) Indian

c) Oceanic

d) Latin

47. One of Asia’s largest …….are found in ……., with items cheaper compared to those in neighboring Asian countries. Not only are the products cheap, they are also of good quality.

a) supermarkets

b) bargains

c) the Philippines

d) India

48. If you are interested in a Western-type mall, you cannot pass SM Mall of Asia, currently the 4th largest mall in the world. Warning to shopaholics and their spouses: You could spend a day in this mall in Manila and still not see every shop or have to time to …….. That's right, there is an ……. as well.

a) swim

b) ice skate

c) swimming pool

d) ice rink

49. Public markets are one microcosm of Manila.They are as lively and colorful as any market in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, or Vietnam. Generally, they are divided into ……. and ……. sections and another section for ……..

a) wet

b) dry

c) clean

d) dining

50. If you really want to look the ……. travel to the Visayan island of Negros and buy some barongs hand woven from Abacá fibre (used to be called Manila Hemp - made from the trunk of Musa textilis, a ……. native to the Philippines) with geometric design details from the mountains to the west of Bais City.

a)" bee's knees"

b) " wasp's knees"

c) species of banana

d) species of pineapple

51. Central Luzon Island Region (Kapampangan)Pampaguenos lead in the art of combining the best of ……. and ……. legacies.

a) Italian

b) Japanese

c) Spanish

d) Chinese



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