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Ayala Museum

Located just outside the Greenbelt Mall, one could conveniently walk to this museum. The collection of gold jewelry from pre and during Spanish times (over 400 years old) pars with any European, American, and Columbian museum display of old gold jewelry. Enjoy the diorama display capturing the culture and history of the Philippines. As you exit, it shows the various political stages the country was ruled under and a description of each leader including their height which was interesting.

A patch of green and inspired public art in the center of the business district. Free wifi throughout the park.

Intramuros, " The Walled City, " is the oldest district in Manila. This is what remains of the fortified city, which was the seat of power during Spanish Colonial times (1521-1898).



This tadpole-shaped rock island is the largest of five islands between the historical Bataan and Cavite shores. Some geologists theorize that Corregidor was once part of a huge volcano that erupted on one side and gradually eroded to become partly invisible beneath the sea. It is called " The Rock" because it served as the major bastion of Philippine's Allies during World War II


Taal Volcano is located about 60 km (about 37 miles) south of Metro Manila. Last major eruption was reported back in 1965 that affected villages in the surrounding area.

This grand exhibit house features the country's most historic works of culture and national heritage, including the paintings of heralded Philippine artist Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo.

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