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Wellington city has a steadily growing population which increased by over 10, 000 between 2006 and 2011 to 200, 100 people.

Wellington city is the largest of a number of closely linked cities and districts that make up the Wellington region. The region overall is home to almost 500, 000 people.

The city accounts for 41% of the region's population and 5% of New Zealand's overall population. It is expected to see steady growth over the next decade.

Wellington city's population is young with 55.9% aged 18 - 49 years (2006) compared with 45.1% in New Zealand generally.

Wellington city has higher proportions of Europeans (76.8%) and Asians (12.7%) than New Zealand as a whole, and lower proportions of Mā ori (7.4%) and Pacific peoples (6.6%).

Over one-third (33%) of Wellington residents have a bachelor degree or higher qualification - the highest in the country.

The Wellington urban area is the major population centre of the southern North Island, and is the seat of the Wellington Region– which in addition to the urban area covers the Kapiti Coast and Wairarapa. The urban area includes four cities: Wellington, on the peninsula between Cook Strait and Wellington Harbour, contains the central business district and about half of Wellington's population; Porirua on Porirua Harbour to the north is notable for its large Mā ori and Pacific Island communities; Lower Hutt andUpper Hutt are largely suburban areas to the northeast, together known as the Hutt Valley. Wellington also holds the distinction of being the world's southernmost capital city.


Wellington enjoys around 2, 000 sunshine hours a year. By comparison, London averages 1, 500, Edinburgh 1, 350 and Vancouver 1, 850.

Warmest month: February (17°C average)
Coldest month: July (8.7°C average)
Average daily maximum for mid-summer: 20.3°C
Average daily minimum for mid-winter: 5.9°C
Average annual sunshine: 2025 hours
Average annual rainfall: 1270mm


Incomes in Wellington city are well above the average for New Zealand with over 40% of households having annual incomes of over $89, 000.

The average hourly wage in Wellington city is $31.90, the highest in the country (as of December 2009).

There were 102, 627 employed residents in Wellington city in 2006 in a diverse range of industries. Property and business services provide the greatest number of jobs (21, 819), followed by government administration and defence (12, 699).


There are 68, 901 dwellings in Wellington city, with 54.3% of these owned. One-quarter of dwellings are one-person households.

The average house value in Wellington city is $538, 000 with a median weekly mortgage payment of $340.

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