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Getting around


Tourists consulting a map near St Paul's Cathedral. These maps are placed at a number of locations in the city of London, to assist in navigating the often confusing streets, lanes and alleys.

There are many ways to move around the city of London, such as walking or taking the Tube (the subway) or bus. Many of London's attractions are within walking distance of each other. Obtain a good tourist map or guide book to see which can be managed on foot. These will also have an Underground map.


The London Underground is a popular way to travel around London. It is considered the easiest and quickest way to move around. The Underground has 12 lines that run from Monday to Saturday between the hours of 5 am to midnight. Although it also runs on Sunday, the hours of operation are reduced.


Another very popular way to move about the city is to take the bus. This mode of transportation provides 24-hour service all week. Some buses even offer tours to point out historical landmarks and tourist attractions. Taking the bus requires that you have already purchased a ticket. These are easy to obtain at any ticket machine near major stops. Prices of a bus pass vary depending on the number of days with a one-day pass at £ 3.80 and a weekly pass at £ 13.80.

There are also open-top tourist buses where you can buy an all-day ticket and get on and off the bus at various tourist attractions of your choice. Alternatively, you can stay on the bus and enjoy the guided tour. These buses can be found in Tavistock Square, half-way between the British Museum and the British Library.

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