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Read and translate the dialogue. Write a list of dishes the teenagers have ordered.

In a Café

Dave: Kate, what do you think of this cafe?

Kate: It looks like a nice place. I don’t mind going there.

Dave: Great! Then, let’s do that, because the next good cafe is quite far from here. Besides this one serves tasty pancakes with fruit and cream.

Kate: Sounds delicious.

Dave: Here we are. Where shall we sit?

Kate: Can you see that table for two near the window? I think it should be a good place.

Dave: Yes, we can watch people from there. It’s fun.

Kate: That’s why I like sitting near the windows. You can always see people passing by and guess where they are going or make up stories about them, in one word – to gossip.

Dave: Ok, then we’ll choose a window table. I hope it’s not reserved. I’ll ask the waiter. Excuse me, is this table free?

Waiter: Yes, sir. It’s not reserved. You can sit there if you want.

Dave: Thank you. We will sit there.

Kate: As I thought. It’s a nice view from here. By the way, are you hungry?

Dave: Yes, a bit. Let’s see, what is there in a menu?

Kate: I’m not very hungry. So, I’ll have only a cup of coffee and a pancake, which you advised.

Dave: Oh, that’s a good choice. They are really delicious. Try the ones with strawberry and bananas. You’ll love them.

Kate: Ok, I’ll have them. Have you chosen something for yourself?

Dave: I think so. I’ll probably have a mushroom salad and a steak.

Kate: Anything to drink?

Dave: I’ll order a pot of tea.

Waiter: May I take your order?

Dave: Yes, we are ready. I would like your special mushroom salad and a steak.

Waiter: How would you like your steak, sir: rare, medium or well-done?

Dave: Medium, please.

Waiter: Anything to drink?

Dave: Yes, please. I’ll have pot of black tea.

Kate: I would like to try your special pancakes with fruit and cream.

Waiter: Which fruit would you like in your pancakes, madam?

Kate: Bananas and strawberries, please.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Kate: Yes, please. I’ll have a small cup of coffee.

Waiter: Ok, I’ll bring your order in about 10 minutes.

Dave: Oh, Kate, look! Isn’t that Alex over there?

Kate: Looks like him. Shall we call him over?

Dave: Yes, I haven’t seen him for ages. Let’s see how he is. Hey, Alex!

Alex: Oh, hi guys! How are you?

Dave: We’re fine, thank you. How about you? I haven’t seen you for ages!

Alex: I’m also well, thanks. I’ve been busy lately. My band was invited to play series of concerts at the local cultural center, so I was head over heels in work. As for this cafe, I was just passing by, felt hungry and decided to see what they serve here. How about you? Are you frequent visitors at this place?

Dave: Actually no. Kate is here for the first time and I’m visiting for the third time. I can tell that they are making delicious pancakes, so far.

Alex: Sounds good! Then I’ll try them.

Dave: Waiter! Over here, please! We have another order to make.

Waiter: How can I help you, sir?

Alex: I’d like a couple of your special pancakes and a Coke, please.

Waiter: Would you like cream and fruit in your pancakes? We have apple and cinnamon pancakes, strawberry and banana pancakes, vanilla and chocolate ones.

Alex: Apple and cinnamon for me, please.

Waiter: Ok, I’ll bring your order in about 10 minutes, sir.

Kate: I’ve also ordered pancakes but with strawberry and banana. We’ll see whose are tastier.

Waiter: Your order, please. Here are the pancakes, mushroom salad, a medium steak and the drinks.

Dave: This salad is really delicious. The steak is also well cooked.

Alex: I should say that my pancakes are really tasty too. What about you, Kate? Do you like your pancakes?

Kate: Yes, definitely. These are the best pancakes around. I’ve never tried anything more delicious than these pancakes. Besides, coffee is also good.

Dave: I’m glad you appreciated the pancakes. Shall I ask for the bill?

Kate: Yes, let’s do that.

Dave: Waiter! Could you bring us the bill, please?

Waiter: One moment, please. Here you are.

Dave: I think we should leave the tip for this waiter.

Alex: We don’t mind, Dave. That’s a good idea!

6. Look at the menu given below and make up dialogues " At the restaurant."


All steaks are cut fresh on the premises and char grilled to your specifications.
Served with baked potato, French fries, or rice, and vegetable.

16 oz. Choice cut from the sirloin


o KING 16 oz. $21

o Queen 12 oz. $17



· Four (4) Garlic or BBQ Shrimp $5

· Side of Ribs $5

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