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Jews in Western Europe


There were slightly more than 1 million Jews living in Western Europe at the start of 2002. Of these, nearly 80 percent could be found in France and the United Kingdom, home to Europe's largest and strongest Jewish populations.


The number of Jews in France fell from 535 000 in 1980 to some 500 000 in 2002, a loss of over 6 percent. The Jewish community is in rapid decline due to assimilation, intermarriage and low birth rates.


British Jewry fared even worse. There were 430 000 Jews living in Great Britain in 1950, but just 283 000 in 1996.


" French Jewry will experience a slow but steady decline from 520 000 in 2000, to 480 000 in 2020, to 380 000 in 2050, and 300 000 in 2080." " The Jewish population in the United Kingdom will decline to 240 000 in 2020, 180 000 in 2050, and 140 000 in 2080."


In smaller Jewish communities in Europe, the retrenchment rates have been even more pronounced; f example in Ireland, where the 1991 census found there to be 1 581 Jews. Today, the number is said to be approximately 1 000, marking a decline of over 50 percent in just a decade. In Norway there are only approximately 950 Jews and the number is declining.


Even in countries where the numbers have remained fairly stable, such as Spain or Italy, or which have experienced growth, such as Germany, it is primarily due to an influx of immigrants from the former Soviet states, and not because of any inherent vitality within the local community itself.


So the general tendency in Western Europe is that the Jewish community is rapidly declining due to assimilation, intermarriage and migration to Israel and the United States.


So basically, the NS ideology suggests that 950 Jews are controlling the Norwegian government, a government which is known to be the most anti-Zionist of all European countries...!? Let’s not forget, 1 000 Jews are controlling Ireland etc. These NS claims are absolutely ridiculous and counter-productive. Being a Norwegian myself, I know that these claims are completely false. They have no credibility whatsoever. The reason why multiculturalism was embraced in Norway and a majority of Western European countries was because of the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist alliance, an alliance dominated by indigenous atheist nationals and not Jews. Same can be said regarding claims against the Freemasons. According to the NS movement the Freemasons are a Zionist organisation. Being a Free Mason myself I know that this is not only a false claim but actually quite ridiculous. The Freemasons is not in any way political (I wish the organisation was, believe me) and it is true that they have a positive view on Jews. However, this is from a Christian religious context, where solidarity to Jews and Israel is important. The Freemasons is a Christian only organisation and no Muslim or Jew could become a member even if they wanted to. There are no political bodies within the organisation nationally or internationally.



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