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Unit Eight. Some Great American and Russian People Profiles




As you’ve already gone through most of this book, you can specify a number of people who played important role for the country. Make a list of these people and specify their position and a period of their life.


The United States:

George Washington - the Chief Commander of American Continental Army,


Exercise № 84. In groups of two or three students decide what famous Americans you know, and tell the class why they are famous for.


Exercise № 85. There is a number of traditional festivals and holidays in the United States. Make up a list of three or four American festivals, and make a short summary of each festival, paying attention to famous people involvement.

Model: On the Fourth of July, or Independence Day, Americans celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It is usually celebrated with outdoor activities, such as picnics, sporting events, parades, and firework displays. Thomas Jefferson and other Fathers of the Nation are willingly remembered in every American family. (50 words)

Exercise № 86. This time you need to think over traditions of folk music in America. Try to remember some names of famous American musicians or composers. Explain reasons of these people fame. (20 words)


Exercise № 87. Read the following paragraph about a famous American. Then make similar information about famous people of your own country and the U.S.


Text 1. When Americans think of animated movies, they always recall the name of Walt Disney (1901 – 1966). Disney created the cartoon character of Mickey Mouse. Mickey appeared in short cartoons and became well-known by the American public. Ten years later Disney made his first feature-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. During his life Walt Disney won thirty Hollywood Academy Awards.


Text 2. When people think of American motion pictures, they often remember Charlie Chaplin.

Text 3. (Gerald Ford) … ………………

Text 4. (John F. Kennedy) …………………

Text 5. (George Washington) ……………..

Text 6. (Bill Gates) ………………………..


Exercise № 88. Some places and towns became world famous because of famous American people. For instance, Detroit of Michigan became world famous automobile production center due to Henry Ford. Now think about other places in the United States which became famous because of people residing and working over there.


Exercise № 89. In this exercise you need to write one paragraph about the pictures below. Before writing consider carefully what is to be described compulsory and what can be omitted because of the length of the paragraph.



Text One: Reading comprehension.


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