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History, Culture and Traditions of Ukraine

Ukraine has a long history and a very rich culture. The history of Ukraine dates back many thousands of years. Trypilian tribes, Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Goths used to live on the territory of Ukraine.

In the 5th century Kyiv was founded. (1)_____________ In the 9th century Kyiv was the main cultural and political centre of Eastern Europe. Kyivan Rus reached the height of its power in the 10th century and adopted Christianity in 988. (2)_____________

The term Ukraine first appeared in the chronicles in the 12th century as the name of the southern lands of the Kyivan Rus.

In 1240 the Tatar-Mongols captured Ukraine and kept it under its control for almost 3 centuries.

During the 14th and 16th centuries it was under the control of Poland, Lithuania and Turkey.

In the 16th century Cossacks appeared and began fighting against foreign invaders. (3)_____________ In 1654 the Treaty of Pereyaslav was signed and Ukraine became a part of the Russian Empire.

(4)______________ In 1918 Ukraine proclaimed its independence and Myhailo Grushevskiy became its first President.

In 1919 Ukraine became one of the Republics of the Soviet Union.

In 1941-1945 Ukraine took part in the Second World War. (5)____________

In 1991 Ukraine became a sovereign and independent state. Its independence was proclaimed on the 24th of August, 1991. The Constitution of Ukraine was adopted on the 28th of June, 1996.

Ukraine has its own original culture and is full of customs and traditions. Ukrainians are very hospitable and generous. If invited into a family home, it is traditional to bring a gift. Candies, cakes, or flowers are customary. (6)______________

If you bring flowers, make sure the number of flowers is uneven (3, 5, etc.).

Men in Ukraine always shake hands when they greet for the first time during the day. (7)____________ It is not a custom to shake hands with a woman.

Do not shake hands or give things across the threshold of a door. It is considered bad luck.

Do not whistle; some believe it will " blow your money away."

It is impolite to point with your finger. (8)____________

Ukrainians have also original wedding habits, rich family traditions, different national symbols and dishes.

There are many holiday customs. Easter, Christmas, Trinity are the greatest religious holidays. They are Ukrainian state holidays.

Christmas Day is celebrated on the 7th of January. On the 6th of January Ukrainians meet with their families and eat holy supper. (9)______________ The main dish is kuttia. It is made of wheat, poppy seeds, honey, nuts. There is a tradition to bring festive dishes to your relatives and godparents. That symbolizes close and tight family relationships, mutual respect. Another tradition is carols singing. (10)_____________

Easter is another great holiday. On this day people go to church and bless the food. They greet each other saying: “Christ is Risen! ” and responding “He truly has risen! ”. Easter bread (’Paska’) and painted eggs (’Krashanki’) are the symbols of Ukrainian Easter. (11)___________

On the fiftieth day after Easter Orthodox church celebrates Trinity. It is celebrated for three days. There is a tradition to decorate homes with green tree branches.

On the 7th of July people celebrate an old pagan holiday, the Day of Ivan Kupalo. This holiday is full of magic and rituals. People gather on the banks of rivers, make bonfires and jump over them.

I am proud of my native land, its glorious history and rich culture.


Fill in the gaps with the following sentences:

1. The word Cossack means a free and independent man.

2. In 1917 the Central Rada was organised and the Ukrainian People’s Republic was created.

3. On this Day Ukrainian kids play their favourite Easter game: knocking the eggs. If you knock somebody’s egg and your egg is not broken than you are the winner.

4. If there is a child in the house, you should give him/her a small gift as well.

5. During the existence of Kyivan Rus there were a great number of outstanding statesmen such as Volodymyr the Great, Yaroslav the Wise, Volodymyr Monomakh.

6. 4 million and a half of Ukrainian people were killed in the war; more than 2 million were taken to Germany as slaves.

7. But if you must point, it's better to use your entire hand instead of your finger.

8. It was founded by Kyi, Shchek, Khoriv and their sister Lybid.

9. There should be 12 fast dishes on the table.

10. Groups of young people go from house to house and sing carols glorifying the host and hostess wishing them prosperity and wealth and receiving money and presents in return.

11. However, it is taboo to shake hands with your gloves on.


Finish the sentences:

1. ______________ used to live on the territory of Ukraine.

2. ______________ Kyiv was founded.

3. In the 9th century Kyiv was ______________.

4. The term Ukraine first appeared ______________.

5. In 1240 the Tatar-Mongols ______________.

6. During the 14th and 16th centuries Ukraine was under the control of __________.

7. In the 16th century Cossacks appeared and began ________________.

8. In 1654 ______________ was signed.

9. In 1918 Ukraine proclaimed __________________.

10. In 1922 Ukraine became one of the Republics of ________________.

11. During 1941-1945 Ukraine took part in ________________.

12. Ukrainian independence was proclaimed on ________________.

13. Men in Ukraine always shake hands when ________________.

14. If invited into a family home, it is traditional to ________________.

15. It is impolite to _____________.

16. __________________ is celebrated on the 7th of January.

17. ___________________ are the symbols of Ukrainian Easter.

18. On Trinity Ukrainians decorate their homes with _________________.

19. On the 7th of July people celebrate _________________.

20. I am proud of _________________.

EXERCISE 7 “Quiz”.

The group is divided into two teams. Each team makes up questions to the text they have read and writes them down on a piece of paper. Then the teams exchange their questions and answer them. The team that answers more questions correctly wins.


Retell the text using the key words:

Kyivan Rus, the term Ukraine, the Tatar-Mongols, to be under the control of, to begin fighting against foreign invaders, the Treaty of Pereyaslav, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, the Second World War, to proclaim independence, to eat holy supper, to sing carols, to bless the food, Easter bread, painted eggs, rich culture, to be proud of.

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