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SELF-WORK 1. - Present Simple Tense;

I. Grammar to notice:

- Present Simple Tense;

- Past Simple Tense;

- Present Perfect Tense;

- Degrees of Comparison.

- Passive Voice

II. Learn to distinguish between these synonyms:

A Acquire, get, gain, obtain (получать, достигать)


a) Read the explanation to see the difference:

Get is the most general of theses. The use of get in idiomatic phrases is manifold and since some of these idioms may be informal, some feel and need to replace it wherever possible with obtain. Obtain is more formal used in formal contexts where the stress is on seeking out something: e.g. obtain soil samples from the moon and return to earth with them.

Gain goes beyond obtain to indicate greater effort in the seeking process.

Acquire points to a piecemeal process of possession that is continuous and often slow. It can also suggest the effort or exposure required to gain less tangible (материальный) things as in the learning process: e. g. wishing to acquire a speaking knowledge of French.

b) Translate the following sentences where these synonyms are used:

1) Youngsters might gain more from working a few years and going back to college later. 2) Who gets the prestigious diplomas? 3) This cannot be explained in terms of inborn differences in talent, but only in terms of what he calls the cultural capital that youths acquire from their families. 4). From this service parents gain the freedom to engage in personal and economic activities that they could not otherwise afford. 5).Even if children could gain all the skills they need by reading books alone at home, they would miss some of the main benefits of schooling. The play-ground is a school too.

These “seals of approval” say how well people have performed and those who get very good certificates often gain privileges and jobs of great value. The development of new technologies and the globalization of the world economy have created a high demand of workers with occupational skills that can be acquired at higher educational institutions. 4. The greater the number of “advanced level” passes that students acquire the better their chances are to enter the University of their choice. 5. In the American system bachelor’s degree is ordinary obtained by accumulation of “credits”.

c) Choose the most appropriate synonym:

1. Students work hard to.... good skills in the English language.

a) obtain b) acquire c) gain d) get

2. He would love so much to... a ticket to his performance.

a) obtain b) acquire c) gain d) get

3. He... additional honours after his book was published.

a) obtain b) acquire c) gain d) get

4. The certificate can be.... by passing exams with high grades.

a) obtain b) acquire c) gain d) get


Before you listen write some reasons why parents would choose to educate their children at home.

a) Listen to Simon’s parents and check if your ideas were mentioned.

b) Listen more and answer the questions:

What didn’t Simon’ parents like about local schools?

Which organization helped Simon’s parents establish their home schooling program?

In what ways do Simon’s parents say his character has changed?




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