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Речевой этикет. Общение по телефону

I. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите и выучите не­знакомые слова.

Talking to People

Everyone must try to use tact in all human contacts and to make people feel at ease in your company. When you are in office, you should be very polite and friendly with your customers. When you are a customer, you will be pleased not to give anyone any serious trouble. There are no reasons why you should not become a good and interesting conversationalist in English. Here are some tips on the art of talking.

• Overcome embarrassment and fear of making mistakes in English;

• To chat is to exchange ideas. Mental vitamins are as important as other kind;

• Silence is the essential part of conversation.

• If you do not like what a person is saying, change your point of view or change the subject.

You will find especially difficult to talk over the telephone — especially if you do not know the person on the other end of the line very well. Good telephone manners include answering promptly, greeting the caller kindly, and giving your whole attention to the call. Telephone messages must be accurate and complete. Do not forget that the person you are talking to may be having difficulties too. Remember that the other person:

• Wants to understand you easily, so try to speak clearly;

• Cannot see your reactions, so always confirm that you have (or have not) understood each point that has been made;

• Cannot see you and does not know what a nice person you are, so make sure you sound polite and agreeable;

• Cannot spend much time, so make sure your call is brief;

• Is getting an impression of your company while talking to you, so make sure that you sound efficient.

How to make arrangements on the phone: Identifying yourself/ your company

— UMC. Can I help you? (a typical switchboard response)

— John Smith speaking.


— This is John Smith.

— John here.

Asking the caller to identify himself/ herself

— Who is calling, please? Asking for a connection

— I'd like to speak to_, please.

— Could you put me through to_, please?

— I'd like to speak to someone about_, please.

Taking/ leaving a message

— I'm afraid he is out/ away/ off at the moment. Can I take a message?

— Can you ask him/ her to call me back? Explaining the reason for the call

— The reason I called is_.

— I am (just) calling to_.

Making appointments

— Just a moment, I'll get my diary.

— Could you manage Tuesday?

— What about Wednesday?

— Shall we say two o'clock?

— I'm sorry, I'm out all day.

— Tuesday would be fine.

— That suits me. Signing off

— I look forward to seeing you.

— Thanks for calling.

— Goodbye.

Complete telephone messages usually include important details such as names, telephone numbers, appointments, and addresses. For example, you might request the caller's telephone number. Be specific. Request only the information you need. Getting the message right in the first place is quicker and easier than phoning back later for details.

II. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why isn't it easy to make a telephone call?

2. What should be telephone messages like?

3. How should we take into consideration the receiver of our information?

4. How do you usually begin or finish your phone message?

5. What phrases do you use to make an appointment?



III. Запомните эти слова и составьте с ними предложения.

Nouns Существительные
conversation разговор, беседа
conversationalist собеседник
chat непринужденный разговор, «болтовня»
subject предмет (разговора)
telephone apparatus телефонный аппарат
buzzing Гудок
long-distance/ trunk call междугородний звонок
personal call Звонок конкретному человеку
line Линия
connection Связь
exchange телефонная станция
operator телефонист
switchboard коммутатор
message сообщение, информация для передачи
Verbs Глаголы
book/ to order a call заказывать звонок
call/ to phone/ to ring up звонить (по телефону)
make a call позвонить
call back перезвонить
connect/ to put through соединить
disconnect/ to cut off рассоединить
drop (the coin) бросить (монету)
dial (the number) набрать (номер)
pick up (the receiver) снять(трубку)
hold on/to hold the line подождать у телефона, не вешать трубку
get someone over the phone застать кого-либо по телефону
leave a message оставить сообщение
take a message принять сообщение
put down/ to write down the message записать сообщение
Adjectives Прилагательные
constant постоянный
frequent частый
urgent срочный


IV. Запомните толкование этих слов на английском языке.


Response (n) answer
Appointment (n) arrangement to meet
I engagement (n) appointment to do something
Inquire (v) ask
Fix (v)  
Manage (v) be able to do something
Sort out (v) put in order
Confirm (v) say that something is certain
Get back to (v) phone again
Go over (v) repeat
Suit (v) be suitable or convenient
Current (adj) present
Urgent (adj) immediate


V. Расположите отрывки телефонных переговоров в правиль­ном порядке.

1. —Just a moment, Mr. Green, I'm putting you through. ()

— Yes, I'd like to speak to Mr. Brown. ()

— Alan Green. ()

— Who's calling, please? ()

— Pan Electronics. Can I help you? ()

2. - He has got it, but just in case, it's (0732) 47568. ()

— Yes, could you ask him to return my call? ()

— John Hurt here. Could I speak to Mr. Jones? ()

— Certainly, sir. May I have your number? ()

— I'm afraid, he is out at the moment. Can I take a message? ()

3. — I'm sorry, I'm not available on Tuesday. ()

— Good, that suits me too. What about 11 o'clock? ()

— Just a moment. I'll get my diary... you said next week? ()

— Yes, could you manage Tuesday? ()

— Shall we say Wednesday then? ()

— All right, Wednesday morning would suit me fine. ()


VI. Дополните следующие короткие диалоги.

1. My name's Jensen.


Yes, it is J, E, N, S, E, N.

2. The address is 32 Tunnyside Lane.


Certainly. It is 32 Tunnyside Lane.

3. My phone number is 0432-72853.



VII. Выберите наиболее подходящие ответы.

1.1 am in fashion design. What about you?

(a) Oh, I live in Moscow.

(b) Well, I work in the Sales Department.

(c) My sister is in fashion too.

2.1 am a secretary to Mr. Smith. He is our General Manager.

(a) Ah, that's interesting.

(b) Is that one of your colleagues over there?

(c) Oh, I have met him.

3.1 live in London. What about you?

(a) I am a student.

(b) I come from Russia.

(c) I work not far from home.

4. My brother is in the Sales Department.

(a) I am in the Marketing Department.

(b) Not a bad job.

(c) Yes, I think I've met her.

5. Hello, I am Susan. I have not seen you around before.

(a) What do you do?

(b) Are you one of my colleagues?

(c) I am new here.

6. Sheila Rogers speaking.

(a) Who's calling, please?

(b) Peter Jones here.

(c) Hello, Sheila. This is Peter Jones.

7. Can I take a message?

(a) I'd like to leave a message.

(b) Yes, could you ask her to call me back?


(c) Please tell him to give me a ring.

8. The reason I am calling is we are having problems.

(a) I don't believe it.

(b) Really? That surprises me.

(c) That's all right.

9. Could you manage Monday?

(a) No, I can't.

(b) No.

(c) I'm afraid I can't.

10. So that's fixed — Tuesday at 2 p.m.

(a) Right, I look forward to seeing you then.

(b) Goodbye.

(c) I'm afraid that's impossible.

VIII. Поставьте вопросы или дайте ответы на пронумерован­ные фразы. Например:

1. My name is Thatcher. Could you spell this, please? Yes, it'sT, H, A, T, С, H, E, R.

1. The address is 12 Madison Sq.

2. My telephone number is 1987-2235.

3. I'd like to make an appointment with Mr. Hardy.

4. We would like to visit your flat with a view to buying it.

5. The figure is $ 68.

6. So an appointment at ten would suit you. Could I have your name again, please?

IX. Сопоставьте каждое слово из левой колонки с его сино­нимом из правой колонки.

  fix A answer
  inquire Or say that something is certain
  response С arrangement to meet
  confirm D arrange
  suit E appointment to do something
  appointment F ask
  engagement G be convenient


X. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Звонить по телефону не всегда легко. 2. Информация, пере­данная по телефону, должна быть точной и исчерпывающей. 3. Ваш собеседник обычно слушает Вас очень внимательно. 4. Все­гда говорите четко и внятно. 5. Следите за тем, чтобы Ваш голос звучал вежливо. 6. Ваш собеседник должен чувствовать, что Вы готовы к диалогу. 7. Разговор по телефону должен быть кратким. 8. Старайтесь производить впечатление делового человека. 9. Зап­рашивайте только ту информацию, которая Вам действительно нужна. 10. Мы хотели бы переговорить с кем-либо по поводу сро­ков поставки продукции.


XI. Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единствен­но правильный.

1. Alex works... under pressure.

A. more quick

B. more quickly

C. quicklier

D. as quickly more

2. Each... has a right to pursue his or her interest within the law.

A. person

B. individual

C. party

D. human being

3. The faster we finish, the... we can leave.

A. soon

B. quick



D. sooner    
4. Everyone... Ann wants sugar In the coffee.
A.but B. not C. except to D. without    
5. I am worried about our test, an  
A. also he D — u_    

B. so he

C. so is he


D. so he is

6. Janet works... and efficiently.

A. hardness

B. harder

C. hard

D. hardly

7. We... mail yesterday because it was a holiday.

A. do not receive

B. did not receive

C. cannot receive

D. may not receive

8. Twenty dollars... the price for it.

A. considered

B. consider

C. is considered

D. are considered

9. Steve likes... jokes and funny stories.

A. say

B. saying

C. tell

D. telling

10.... letters from the United States overseas, use Express Mail.

A. To send

B. Send

C. To sending

D. Sending

1 l.The... were so ill-phrased that they were hard to apply.

A. data

B. criteria

C. phenomenon

D. phenomena

12. Jim looks upset... he has lost something.

A. like

B. as

C. as though

D. as for

13. How often do you...?

A. do laundry

B. do the laundry

C. make laundry

D. make the laundry


14. The climate in the north is... of the south.

A. cold than

B. colder than

C. colder than that

D. coldest than that

15.1 felt sleepy all day... TV last night.

A. from watching

B. for watching

C. from watch

D. by watch

16.Not one paper... on time.

A. has he finished

B. he has finished

C. he have finished

D. have he finished

17.The money I earn is... for my needs.

A. sufficiently

B. sufficient enough

C. enough sufficient

D. sufficient

18. Our future depends... ourselves.

A. to

B. in

C. on

D. from

19.Some students,... Ron and Paula, failed the exam.

A. such

B. such as

C. as

D. so as

20.This statement is irrelevant and should be disregarded by the jury.

A. unrelated

B. applicable

C. respective

D. useful.

Дополнительные тексты/ диалоги

XII. Прочитайте с выражением следующие диалоги. Составьте подобные диалоги на темы 1) встреча с потенциальным рабо-


тдателем; 2) уточнения сроков поставки канцтоваров; 3) орга­низация встречи деловых партнеров.

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